Page 29 of Disarming Caine

It was only three days after the shooting at Mason’s.

No. It was all a coincidence, linked to the rising crime rate in Brenton. Had to be. Even though the first shot came when we were passing by the balcony doors. The others kept coming after we’d left the room. And why shoot into the bedroom wall or through the window?

Unless the light reflected off the mirror and gave me away.

Jimmy nodded slowly. “My thoughts exactly.”

Stop acting like a scared little girl. Be honest.“It’s always possible, though.”

He nodded again. “Think you two can compile a list of anyone who might want to hurt you?”

“Will do.” My hair danced as a gust blew in, sending another shiver through me. “Your team talk to witnesses yet?”

Jimmy and the officer who’d brought in the EMT shared a nod and the officer left. Jimmy and I stared out the broken balcony door, watching the flashlights move. He tapped a button on the radio on his shoulder. “Find anything?”

“Sam?” The familiar voice choked out my name, and I spun to see Nathan. He rushed to wrap me in his arms, holding me so tight I could barely breathe. “They called me in to—I didn’t know it was—Are you alright? All that blood on your shirt!”

“It’s not mine.” I leaned my face away so I could see him, but he didn’t let go. After my calls with Antonio over the weekend, the last thing I wanted was for Antonio to see me hugging Nathan.

No. I already told Antonio there was nothing to worry about. He needed to trust me.

The bathroom door clicked open and a low growl told me it was too late.

“Get your hands off my woman.” Antonio stalked out, bare-chested and ready for a fight.

“We’re not done!” The EMT trailed behind him, carrying a thread attached to his back. Her voice was demanding, but his focus went no further than Nathan.

“Ferraro.” Nathan let go of me and squared up with Antonio. “I thought you were still in Italy.”

They bumped their puffed chests, jaws set, and my stomach lurched.

“Gentlemen.” Jimmy approached them, his demeanor soothing.

“Go ahead. Want to take another shot?” Antonio pointed to his left cheek, where Nathan had sucker-punched him after we broke up in August. “I’ll give you a free one before I make you regret touching her.”

Nathan’s finger rose to Antonio’s face. “This is on you! You and your goddamn family—”

“Stronzo!” Antonio shoved him suddenly, knocking him onto the couch. Nathan shot back up, but I got between them.

“Stop!” I put my hands on Antonio’s chest while he glowered over my shoulder at Nathan. I lowered my voice. “We talked about this.”

“What the fuck is going on here?” Every face snapped to the doorway, to the sharp and commanding voice. Janelle. Thank god. She was in plain clothes, jeans, and a red sweater under her long black jacket. Huge gold hoop earrings brushed her shoulders, highlighting her ebony skin and buzz cut hair.

Antonio looked back at me, breath slowing. Our relationship was still so new, I couldn’t read his features. His brows furrowed and relaxed, jaw flexed, eyes flicked between me and Nathan. Angry? Upset? Jealous? Stressed?

“Sir. Ma’am.” The EMT floundered under Janelle’s glare. She picked up the loose thread she’d dropped when it got physical. “I need to finish sewing him up.”

“You!” She pointed at Antonio, then at a chair. “Sit. You—” She pointed to Nathan. “Over with Slater.” Finally to Jimmy. “Sit rep!”

Antonio pulled out a chair at the dining table, his eyes following Nathan like a predator waiting to pounce.

Jimmy rattled off details as Janelle strode through the room. Where he needed equipment to look threatening, that was just her nature. It always had been. She carried herself like she was taller than him and she could have beaten him arm wrestling any day.

I held Antonio’s hand while the EMT worked on him and Jimmy talked. This was certainly not what I was expecting for our first night back together.

Antonio winced as the EMT removed a chunk of glass from his shoulder. He looked up at me, responding to something in my face. “I’m fine, bella.”

I needed to get out of this room, away from these people. The walls were getting closer. But I couldn’t leave him alone. Couldn’t abandon him. “That’s my line.”