Page 86 of Disarming Caine

My knees almost gave out under me. He was there, sitting up against Sofia’s desk. He was alright.

But as I got closer, I saw the blood. Covering his white shirt.

He sucked in a deep breath, eyes wide. “Where were you?”

I crumpled to the ground next to him and latched my arms around his neck, ignoring the pain still streaking through my ribs. My lips pressed to his forehead, his cheek, his lips, and back to his cheek again.

“Where have you been?” He wrapped an arm around me, his voice stuttering. “They said no one was hit outside, but marone, I thought—”

“How bad is it?” I asked, withdrawing from the embrace and taking his hand in mine.

“Frank will be fine.”

“No, you! All this blood!”

The paramedic was working on Antonio’s hand, with no regard for the blood on his face, neck, or torso.

“Frank was shot. When he fell, I grabbed him and pulled him behind the desk. I tore some stitches in my shoulder, but most of this is his blood.”

I flagged, leaning my head against him. “Is he alright?”

He kissed my temple. “They said he was stable.”

“But there’s so much blood.”

“I’ve seen far worse and Mr. Ferraro is in excellent hands.” The paramedic, a red-haired man in his forties, sat back on his haunches. “And your wrist looks like it’ll be fine. Keep ice on it and the swelling should come down soon enough. I need to check you for any other injuries.”

“Give me a moment,” said Antonio, waving him away. He pulled my hand to his lips. “I was so worried, bella, when you didn’t come in after the shooting. I was afraid—but then Claude rushed in and said you drove off—”

“I caught him.”Now he can’t hurt you.

He squeezed my hand suddenly, his breath catching and voice raising. “You did what?”

“I went after the shooter. Police have him.”

“Cazzo! Samantha!” Heat flared in his eyes. “Why?”

“Instinct.” Desperation. Panic.

Before he could say more, a hand touched my shoulder. “Sammy?”

With a deep breath, I stood and faced Jimmy, maintaining my firm grasp on Antonio’s hand. “What do you have?”

He inclined his head toward the studio space.

I shook my head, clenching Antonio’s hand harder. “I’m not leaving him.”

Jimmy looked at Antonio, who pulled his hand out of my grip. “I’m not going anywhere until the paramedic is done with me.”

This was the second time within a week I was leaving him behind for medical care. Jimmy and I made our way to the studio space, out of earshot of everyone else.

“What the hell happened?” he asked. “I heard you caught the guy?”

I rubbed my hands over my face, over my hair. “I saw a car stop in front of the office. The driver fired, then drove away. I was right next to him, so I just went.” The adrenaline was ebbing and a cold seeped into my bones. Partially from the open front of the office, partially from relief of finding Antonio alright.

“I should go down to the station and help process him. Who knows what was going through that maniac’s head?” Jimmy fiddled with his cap, pushing it up and pulling it back down again. “I’ll do that as soon as we’re done here. But listen, Janelle’s on her way over right now, so you better get your story straight. She’s pissed.”

Chapter 28