Page 48 of Disarming Caine

“Always had a weak spot for you.”

My phone buzzed in the telltale pattern I’d set for Antonio. The one that passed my Do Not Disturb. “One sec.”

He opened the guidebook again while I read the text.

When can I expect you? Checking so dinner’s ready on time.

I’d told him seven, but it was almost seven already. We still had to do Nathan’s statement after I looked at the bathroom. I replied,Looks like closer to 8.

He responded with a sad emoji, and my heart sank. He’d flown so far to see me and all I was doing was working. The rest of the week would be better.

I’ll be as fast as I can.

That earned me a kissing face emoji. I laughed, tucking the phone back in my pocket.

“Always jump when he says to?”

I swiped the book from him and hit his shoulder with it. “My boyfriend’s been away for three months. I’ve missed him and I’m excited to see him. This isn’t about me jumping.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but I hit him again.

“Time for you to spill, Nathan. What’s your problem with him? If there’s something real—not conjecture—that I should know about, tell me now.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” He swiped the guidebook from me and tossed it on the pile.

“Bullshit.” I turned on the bed, folding a leg up so I could look at him straight-on. “Saturday night, you told me he’s dangerous. Said I’d run as fast as I could if you told me half the things you know.”

“I was drunk Saturday. Just ignore everything I said.”

“Is this related to the smuggling case? You told me this summer there was a Ferraro family involved. Did you learn something?”

“I—” His mouth clamped shut, no more words coming.

“Fuck, Nathan, c’mon!” I shoved him and stood. “You can’t say you’re trying to keep me safe and not tell me why!”

He sagged, elbows on knees. “It’s his uncle. I can’t tell you more than that.”

When I was in Naples, a police officer intimated that Antonio might have been behind the theft of a fresco from Pompeii. That officer had just transferred from Rome and had said he was familiar with Antonio’s family.

Dominico’s brother Andrea ran the conservation studio in Rome. He had another brother somewhere in that area, whose son was Cristian, whom Antonio said he hated and wanted nothing to do with. Antonio’s other uncles were on his mother’s side, so it wasn’t them.

“Which one?” I asked but was met with silence. Antonio had hidden a burner phone from me in Naples, connected to some sort offamily business. My stomach lurched and I slid back onto the bed. Did I want to ask the next question? The answer could have significant consequences. I couldn’t look Antonio in the face if I didn’t. “Is… Antonio… involved?”

“No.” Nathan’s head stayed down. “I suspected he was, but they intercepted a call confirming he isn’t.”

“Why did you suspect him?”

“Sam, I can’t tell you more.” He craned his neck around to see me. “Call Elliot if you want details. I really can’t.”

“You know, Cass is basing her opinion of him on what you’ve told her. If things have changed, I need you to fix that.”

“Promise me you’ll be careful.” He held out his arms, and I leaned into his embrace. “I still don’t trust him.”

“You don’t know him.” Pulling away, I chewed on my bottom lip, my heart beating hard enough I could feel it in my neck. “He’ll be at Christmas dinner, so I expect you to give him a shot.”

He nodded, but then made a vomiting face and grinned.

“Alright, now that that’s all done.” I stood, working up to my best smile under the circumstances. “I need to check out that bathroom, so why don’t you eat dinner and I’ll be down soon.”