“Yes, you are, so act like it.”
The words stung like a slap.
“Excuse me?”
“Jo, this is serious. Cam held a loaded gun to your head last night.”
“It’s not how it sounds. I can explain.”
“Cam already explained. I know what happened, and I support his decision to get help and to keep you safe.”
“This doesn’t feel like support to me. It feels like you giving up on him because of a little bump in the road.”
“A bump in the— Jo, a loaded gun held to your head is a detour, not a bump.”
“So you’re really giving up on him.” Jo slipped some iron of her own into the next words. “What would your sister do if she were alive? Would Aunt Kris just abandon Cam when he’s at his lowest?”
“That’s not fair. It’s not the same.”
“The answer is no, she wouldn’t. She never gave up on him, and neither will I.”
“Allowing him some space is not giving up. He’s not some toy you can throw a tantrum about not having when you want him.”
“I can’t believe you just said that to me.”
“Believe it. He doesn’t need to be ‘had’ right now. He needs to wrestle with some issues that have been chasing him for years.” His voice and face softened in synch. “Let him, honey.”
It started at her mouth with just a wobble, a tremble of her lips. Then her hands joined in, fingers shaking until she had to cram the emotion into her fists. She was imploding, but everything wanted out. Curses, screams, sobs. Every expression of this hurt was trapped inside her body and wanted out, but she could only allow herself tears.
“Aw, honey.”
Daddy crossed over and pulled her close, her folded arms between them. She went limp like she had as a little girl. Maybe she was being a spoiled brat, but it did feel a little bit like she’d waited all year and gotten what she wanted for Christmas, only to have it taken. Cam was the only man she had ever loved. Ever really wanted. She had sampled others and found them wanting.
“I’ve just waited so long for him, Daddy.” Jo sniffed and stifled the all-out sob that tried to burst from her chest. “What if he doesn’t come back?”
Her father put enough space between them to peer down at her, a small smile on his face.
“He didn’t leave until I landed, so I saw him before he left, Jo. I’ve only ever seen Cam in a state like that once before, and that was when Amalie died. He loves you. He’ll be back.”
“But what if—”
Her phone ringing from the bedroom cut into the arguments she had readied.
“Be right back.” She rushed to the bedroom in case it was Cam.
God, please let it be Cam.
She glanced at the screen. Peter. She cleared as much of the tear-hoarseness from her throat as she could.
“Hey, Peter.”
“Morning, Jo. You on your way?”
“Um…” Jo glanced down at her silk robe and bare feet. “Sure.”
“Good. I’ll see you in about an hour.”
“Ahhhh, Peter, I need a little info here. Where, who, why, when kinda thing would help.”