As soon as she was sure the coast was clear, Kerris poked her head out, walking toward the door, steps heavy but sure.
Cam leaned against the wall, hands buried in his pockets. He straightened as soon as he saw her coming. The uncertainty in his eyes stopped her. With one word, she could wipe it away. She knew it. This was it. Now or never.
“Yes. My answer is yes.”
“To what?” Cam frowned before her words completely sank in. “You mean…you’re saying…are you—”
“I’ll marry you.” Kerris tested out a convincing smile, wondering if he had changed his mind.
He disabused her of that notion, scooping her up, his forearms under her bottom. He held her up to look down at him, letting out an exuberant whoop and twirling her around.
“You won’t regret it, Ker,” he said once they’d finally stopped circling, his expression clearer and lighter than she had ever seen it.
And in that moment, she really believed she had done the right thing.
* * *
“Dude, we need to talk,” Walsh said, glad to finally have found Cam after scouring the room for the last ten minutes.
“Can it wait?” A wide grin plastered Cam’s face. “I’ve got news.”
“Sure, I guess it can wait, but not too long.”
Walsh had to bite the bullet and get his feelings for Kerris out in the open. Better now than later, when it would only be more painful for everyone involved. And the sooner he told Cam, the sooner he could convince Kerris that they were meant for each other, that she shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the notion of soul mates because he was pretty sure that’s what they were.
“Don’t you want to know my news?” Cam looked like he would combust any minute.
“Shoot.” Walsh’s patience frayed at the delay.
“She said yes, man.”
“Who said yes?” Walsh’s blood slowed to a crawl through his veins. His heart punched him from inside.
“Kerris!” Cam hooked his elbow around Walsh’s neck. “She’s gonna marry me. The ladies have her over there oohing and aahing over the ring. I was gonna ask her tonight anyway, so I had the ring in my pocket. Can you believe that? And she didn’t even wait for me to ask. Just said yes.”
Walsh nodded, twisting his mouth into a board-stiff smile. The truth of Kerris lost to him forever burned a hole in his mind. It wasn’t possible, but he glanced across the room and saw Kerris at the epicenter of a circle of gushing women, all admiring the diamond on her ring finger.
Chapter Sixteen
Where the hell have you been?” Jo’s voice snapped at Walsh through the phone.
“Well, hello to you, too, cuz.” Walsh had to laugh. Jo was more growl than bite.
“You’ve been AWOL for the past six weeks, ever since Cam got engaged. You missed the engagement party. You’ve leftBrad, that moron, to plan Cam’s bachelor party tonight. Where have you been?”
“Whoa, one question at a time.” Walsh’s tone noticeably iced over under her rebuke. “You and Mom decided you wanted to get into the wedding planning business, not me. Dad’s got me running point on my first acquisition. Your dad has me scoping for a new orphanage in Haiti. I haven’t been sitting around with my thumb up my ass, so back off.”
“Touch-y.” Jo softened her voice a fraction. “Now I can’t stop smiling at the image of you with your thumb up your ass. I guess you’re excused, but are you on your way?”
“I’ll be there, but late. Got drafted into a last-minute meeting. I’ll miss most of the rehearsal dinner, but I’ll get there as soon as I can.”
“Okay. Sorry I lit into you. My caterer is about as smart as paint, and she almost ruined everything. Lobster ravioli, not lobster fettuccini. Geez. There are so many details. It’s become such a production.”
“Maybe you should’ve listened to Kerris when she tried to tell you what she wanted.”
“What? That little ceremony at the covered bridge?” Jo gave an “oh please” smack of her lips. “Cam has always wanted to get married here in our garden. You know that. I want this to be perfect for him.”
“I’m sure it will be.” Walsh made sure to sound resigned and distracted. “Look, I need to get back in here for this meeting. I’ll see you around nine o’clock or so.”