“You almost done in here?” Meredith asked from the doorway, pulling the bandanna from her hair. She, like Kerris, wore cutoff jeans and a Maid 4 U T-shirt.
“Yeah. Just a few more minutes.”
“You okay? You haven’t been yourself lately.”
“I’m cool.” Kerris relaxed the muscles of her face one by one, avoiding Meredith’s don’t-shit-me eyes. “Just tired.”
“Okay. If you’re sure.” Meredith leaned against the doorjamb. “Well, what’d you think of the mayor’s house?”
“Beautiful, but not my style. Too stuffy.” Kerris picked up her sponge to finish the tub.
“Did you get to meet his daughter, Ardis?”
“No. She lives here?”
“Yeah, I think she came in after you.” Meredith rolled her eyes. “She’s a real peach.”
“What does she do?”
“Well, college was a hobby for her. Now she’s having a layover until she finds the perfect man to take care of her and set her up as a professional socialite.”
Meredith, a card-carrying worker bee, derided anyone who didn’t see the value of gainful employment.
“She graduated a couple of years ago, but I haven’t heard of her lifting a finger for anything but one of her committees. What a waste.”
“If that’s what the lady wants to do. It’s her life, right?”
“I just don’t get it. At least Sofie models.”
“Sofie?” Kerris squeezed the sponge till water poured from it. “Why’d you mention her?”
“Oh, she’s with Ardis. Apparently their families have been friends forever, and Sofie’s been staying here during the summer when she comes to visit Walsh. I overheard them talking about Mrs. Bennett’s birthday party tonight, so I guess she’s in town for that.”
“Oh, yeah.” Kerris ran both hands over her face, a weary gesture that smelled of Clorox. “That is tonight, isn’t it?”
“Will Walsh be coming back for it?”
Kerris felt Meredith’s eyes locked and loaded on her face with the focus of a sniper. She willed herself not to squirm under the eye of her friend’s scope.
“Um, I wouldn’t know.” Kerris leaned into the tub to reach a spot, conveniently hiding her face. “Cam said he was scheduled to be back a couple of days ago. I doubt he’ll miss his mother’s birthday party.”
“Well, I’m sure Sofie will be waiting with open arms.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Kerris reached up to tighten the bandanna wrapped around her head, needing to occupy her hands. “Well, let me finish up in here.”
Meredith rightly interpreted that as the dismissal and No Trespassing sign that it was, and let it go.
“I’ll wait on the porch then. See you in a few.”
Kerris resumed her scrubbing, biting her lip against foolish tears. She chided herself. Walsh was off-limits. He might be attracted to Kerris, might have great chemistry with her, but he wouldn’t be settling down with someone like her. And what about Cam? He was the surest thing in her life right now. Not only did he love her, but he accepted her. He saw the damage her past had done and wanted her anyway. Wanted a life with her. Wanted a family with her. She couldn’t allow one kiss with a man she really barely knew to ruin that, could she?
“I’m pretty sure I left it in the bathroom,” a voice said from behind her. “Oh! I didn’t realize your maid was in here. Does she speak English?”
“Yeah, she does.” Kerris threaded as much outrage and dignity into the response as she could before she saw who it was. “Oh, Sofie.”
Kerris glanced down, not sure if the rags on her body were much better than the rags in her bucket. Of course, itwouldbe Sofie. It was just that kind of day.
“Kerris?” Sofie ventured, as if surely no one of her acquaintance would be cleaning a bathroom. “Is that you?”