Page 69 of Loving You Always

“Cam, we used to be friends.” Kerris brushed tears away with one hand and gripped his hand harder with the other. “You remember that?”

“Yeah.” Cam stood to his feet, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. “I remember.”

“I want that back. I want the best for you. For you to be happy and healthy.” Kerris paused, knowing the subject she needed to broach would take her toward an injured animal that might claw her flesh at any moment. “I’ve been seeing a therapist.”

Cam narrowed his eyes at her, a warning to not go where she was about to go.

“Good for you.”

“It could be good for you, too, Cam. You still have those nightmares?”

Cam raised the beautiful, dark slashes of his eyebrows.

“Oh, is this the part where you give a fuck?”

“Cam, I want you well.”

“Well?” Cam’s laugh boomed in the room. “Baby, I have more money than I ever imagined, canstillget any woman I want, and am painting—living my dream. I’m more than well. I’m fucking marvelous. Trust.”

“You’re deflecting because you don’t want me digging into this.”

“Deflecting? Is that a new word your therapist taught you? Just because you’ve got screws loose—”

“I do have screws loose, Cam.”

Kerris checked the anger she knew he was provoking to throw her off this topic even after the ground they had gained.

“I had…have…abandonment issues. Self-worth issues. And not dealing with those drove me to make bad choices, like marrying a good friend when I wasn’t in love with him. Like ignoring my feelings for Walsh because I thought I wasn’t good enough. My point is maybe you made some bad choices, too, because you may have…issues.”

“That’s your point? You can do better than that, Kerris.”

“Okay, I will.” Kerris held his eyes with hers, firming her mouth to say what she had realized over the course of her time with Dr. Stein. “I think you settled for what we had as much as I did because we both thought we weren’t worth more. As damaged as I was, you probably thought I was the best you could do.”

Horror washed away the impolite disdain Cam had so carefully held in place. Only for a moment, but long enough for Kerris to know she wasn’t too far off base. Even if he didn’t realize or want to admit it yet.

“Cam, get help so you can be ready for the girl who will love you the way you deserve to be loved.”

Cam shook his head, something ugly twisting his beautiful face. It was hate. And it wasn’t for her or for Walsh. It was for himself.

“If you still think I deserve to be loved,you’rethe one who needs help.”

“Cam, our abusers—”

“Screw this. I’m getting my stuff and I’m out.”

Cam turned away, walking with brisk strides toward the office.

The doorbell cut into the response she hadn’t formed yet. Kerris wiped the last traces of tears from her cheeks and composed herself. She recognized that self-hatred, and knew it had less to do with anything Cam had actually done and much more to do with fundamentally who he believed himself tobebecause of the abuse he’d suffered. That lie would take a long time to untangle. In some ways, she was still untangling it herself.

Mama Jess had gone to visit her sister in the hospital after minor surgery. Meredith was at the shop. She wasn’t sure who would be stopping by. When she opened the door and saw Walsh, she wanted to hurl herself at him, wrap her body around him like cellophane, but he moved first. He pulled her up and into his arms until her feet didn’t touch the ground, his mouth hot and hungry against her, his tongue searching and licking heat into her with each kiss. He shifted his arms, moving one under her butt and stretching one up her back, his hand cupping her head and stroking her hair.

He pulled away long enough to whisper against her lips.

“Tell me you’re free.” He kissed down her chin, licking the tendon in her neck. “It’s official. Tell me you’re mine.”

“Walsh, we should—”

“Wow, you got some balls,” Cam said from behind them, just inside the house. “The ink is barely dry, and you’re here already.”