“Do you want to call it a night?” I asked. “I can drive you home. I don’t want you to stay if you’re not feeling well.”
We weren’t on a real date, but that didn’t mean I was going to be a dick and leave her to fend for herself.
She nodded, her expression miserable. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to ruin everyone’s night, but…”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll get the check.” A tingle of relief loosened the fist around my heart. Leaving the date meant leaving Scarlett, but at least I didn’t have to pretend anymore.
Before I could flag down our server, Clive reappeared. “What’s going on?”
Scarlett explained the situation.
He didn’t seem surprised, and I was reminded again of their suspicious timing. They’d left for the toilets and returned at almost the exact same time.
I doubted they’d hooked up while they were gone—though that would explain Ivy’s growing nausea, in my opinion—butsomethingmust’ve happened.
Instead of staying and pursuing his vendetta against me via Scarlett, he shocked the hell out of us by saying, “I’ll take Ivy home. It’s on my way anyway.” He cast a sheepish glance at Scarlett. “I’m sorry for bailing early, but I have an emergency at home. Rain check?”
The fact that no one called him out on the contradiction of driving Ivy home when he had an “emergency” was a testament to how off the rails the date had gotten.
“Sure.” I could’ve sworn that was relief in Scarlett’s voice. “I understand.”
“I’ll take Scarlett home,” I said before Clive offered to drive her as well. I wouldn’t put it past the bastard to attempt a threesome or something similar. “Dinner’s on me. I had a big payday earlier this week.”
He didn’t miss the subtle dig referencing the money he’d lost at the race. Resentment flared anew in his eyes, but he kept his mouth shut.
I wasn’t under the illusion I’d seen or heard the last of him. I’d lucked out with the Ivy situation tonight, but Clive was petty enough to keep coming back until I knocked him out for good.
I’d deal with that tomorrow. For now, I allowed myself a measure of relaxation as he disappeared through the doors with Ivy, who went along with the change of plans silently.
“Well, this didn’t turn out the way I’d expected,” Scarlett said after I’d paid and we’d made it to my car. I’d had half a glass of wine, but I was clearheaded and sober enough to drive. “Do you think they…”
“Oh yeah.” I pulled out of the car park. “The old flame is not dead.”
She huffed out a laugh. “I should be insulted, but I’m not.”
“Trust me, anything that takes Clive’s attention off you is a good thing.”
“He’s really not that bad.”
“That’s what the Victorians said about adding boric acid to milk.”
Another, startled laugh filled the car. “Asher Donovan, a scholar of the Victorian era? Color me surprised.”
“I wouldn’t say scholar.” I flashed a quick grin. “But I did watch several YouTube videos about it.”
Five minutes of lighthearted conversation, and I was already having a better time than I’d had at dinner.
“I hope no one recognized us at the restaurant,” Scarlett said. “And by us, I mean you.”
“Some definitely did, but as long as they’re not paps, it should be fine. Most people have common decency.”
I was recognized all the time on the streets. Sometimes, fans stopped me for autographs and pictures. However, I’d neverhad a stranger post a private moment of me online without my consent.
The tabloids were the issue, not the average citizen.
“I hope so.” Scarlett ran a hand over the sleek leather interior. I’d picked a low-key black Porsche for tonight. It was my go-to car for when I wanted something nice but not too flashy. “I don’t understand guys’ fascination with cars. Why do you need so many?”
“Some women collect shoes and bags. Some men collect cars.” I shrugged. “I’m one of them.”