I’d never seen or met Vincent’s sister, though I’d heard him talk about her. The two were close, which was just my luck. I didn’t need the DuBois siblings conspiring against me together.

“I don’t want to train with my sister,” Vincent said. “That’s not…no.”

“It’s a good thing neither of you has a say in the matter.” The volume of Coach’s voice dropped back to normal levels, though it was no less cutting. “The director assured me she’sthe right person for the job and that she won’t let personal ties affect her work. I believe her. That means you twowilltrain with Scarlett and youwilltake it seriously. And gentlemen?” He pinned us with a warning glare. “When you return, you’d better convince me you’re goddamn capable of working together instead of against each other, or you’ll be riding the bench. I don’t give a shit if you’re the captain or the top scorer on the team. Understand?”

“Yes, sir,” we muttered.

Coach’s mind was made up. There was nothing we could do or say to get out of it, which meant I was stuck with the DuBois siblings for an entire fucking summer.

My jaw tightened.

I didn’t know much about Scarlett DuBois, but given she was related to Vincent, I knew one thing: I wasn’t going to like her.

At all.



“Now we go a little quicker. Back, side, back, side.” I walked through the studio, correcting the students’ posture and alignment. “Don’t overcross to the back. Now demi-plié…”

My leg ached, but I ignored it. It was manageable compared to true flare-ups, which could last days or weeks or months, and there were only ten minutes left until class ended. I’d deal with it then.

The studio was quiet except for the sound of my voice and the piano music keeping pace with the movements. I taught the advanced and masterclasses, and at this level the students were so focused, a nuclear bomb could go off and they wouldn’t notice.

I used to be one of those students, and as much as I loved teaching, I wished I could rewind time so I was on the other side of these lessons. Things had been so different then, and?—

Stop it. No more self-pity, remember?

I shook my head and refocused on the task at hand.

“Faster with the beat, Jenna. Up and stay…” I faltered when my aches intensified but quickly recovered. “Good. Open the supporting side a little more.”

I’d lived with more or less constant pain and fatigue for the past five years, so I pushed through to the end without incident.

Nevertheless, it took all my willpower not to rush my students out after class so I could get off my feet and sit in silence.

Just for a minute. Just so I could breathe.

“Excuse me, Miss DuBois?”

I glanced up. Emma stood before me, her hands fiddling first with her skirt and then the neckline of her leotard.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but I have some news.” Her excitement shone through her usual reserve. “Remember when I auditioned forThe Nutcrackerlast week? They released the cast list today. I’ll be playing the Sugar Plum Fairy!”

“Oh my God.” My hand flew to my mouth. “Congratulations! Emma, that’s amazing.”

It wasn’t the most professional response, but Emma had been my student for years, and while we technically weren’t supposed to play favorites, she was secretly my favorite. She worked hard, she had a great attitude, and she wasn’t catty or competitive with her peers.

The Nutcrackerwas her favorite ballet. If anyone deserved its most prestigious role, it was her.

I’d been one of the audition judges, but none of us knew the final cast until the director announced it. I hadn’t checked my emails yet, so I’d missed it.

“Thank you. I still can’t believe it,” Emma said breathlessly. “It’s such a dream come true, and I couldn’t have done it without you. I’d love…I mean, if you’re not busy, I’d love for you to come to the opening night. I know it’s only May and opening night isn’t until December, and I know you usually don’t attend the school showcases, but I thought I’d ask anyway.” Rose colored her cheeks. “It’ll be at the Westbury Theatre again.”

Westbury Theatre.

The name punched a hole through my gut, and my excitement leaked out like water through a sieve.