“Except the servers.”
“I’m sure they’ve seen worse, and we can clean up before dinner. The spa here has showers and toiletries we can use.”
Her jaw dropped. “Seriously? Why didn’t you lead with that?”
“Because you were too adorable when you thought I was going to make you walk into the restaurant smelling like sex.”
“You’rediabolical.” But her words lacked heat, and her eyes shone with so much love it arrowed straight into my chest. “I’ll let it slide this time since you gave me a private signing with Isabella Valenciaandan orgasm. This might be the best anniversary ever.”
“Best anniversary everso far,” I corrected.
Scarlett laughed. “You are one of a kind, Asher Donovan.” She stood on tiptoes and gave me a soft kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” I kissed her back, my heart giving a heavy thump of agreement. “More than anything else in this world.”
I didn’t always appreciate the way other people said my full name—like I was a brand and a commodity instead of a person.
But when Scarlett said it, she said it like she saw every piece of me—the good and the bad—and she loved me because of, not despite, the different facets of my character.
I’d been surrounded by money and fame for most of my adult life. But this, right here, with Scarlett happy and content in my arms?
This was all I truly needed.
Welcome to the Blackcastle Book Club’s official group chat!
Seriously? You put a picture from The Land Before Time as the group’s profile picture?
Why not? It’s a good movie
Dude, that’s so wrong. It’s a children’s film, and we’re reading about dinosaurs boning
It’s a good thing we’re not making them read the books, isn’t it?
But fine, I see your point
I wanted to keep it a surprise, but since you insist on policing my admin decisions, I’ve changed the picture to the cover of this month’s book club pick
Gentlemen, prepare yourselves for **drumroll please** Shagging the Spinosaurus!
We already guessed that was the book of the month. We saw you reading it the other day