I’d offered to pay for Isabella’s entire trip to London, but she insisted that wasn’t necessary since Kai owned a house in the city anyway.
“Yes, well, she’s myfiancée.” His tone was polite, but he placed an oddly aggressive emphasis on the last word. “I’m always happy to support her.”
My other attempts to start a nice chat also failed, so I eventually fell into silence and contented myself with watching Scarlett.
My mouth tipped up at her excitement as she talked to Isabella. She’d lost her earlier shyness and was gushing about a plot twist in one of the author’s earlier works, her face bright with animation.
When the signing finished and Isabella hugged her again, I thought Scarlett would dissolve into a cloud of sparkles and smiles.
It made my fucking heart sing. We hadn’t officially exchanged gifts yet (though the special edition books were my anniversary presents to her), but she didn’t even need to give me anything. Seeing her that happy had already made my night.
“I know this is going to sound tacky, but before we leave, do you mind if I get a photo and a few autographs?” Isabella asked me, her tone apologetic. “My friends and I are big fans, and they’dkillme if I came back without your signature.”
Kai’s frown deepened.
“Of course. It’s the least I could do,” I said easily.
“Great! Kai, can you take the pictures?” She shoved her phone at her fiancé. “I’d love one with Scarlett too.”
I signed a few pages in her notebook for her, and we took turns grouping up for the photos—me with Isabella, then Scarlett with Isabella, followed by one of the three of us together. Isabella also insisted on taking photos of me and Scarlett to “document our night.”
Kai did the honors. I heard he was quite nice and gentlemanly compared to other CEOs, but he didn’t look very nice and gentlemanly to me. He looked like he wanted to roast me alive, especially during my photo with Isabella—the oneshe’d asked for.
Jesus. What had I ever done to him?
Fortunately, I made it through the photo session intact, and Isabella and Kai left after wishing us happy anniversary again. The library doors closed, and Scarlett and I were alone once more.
“I can’t believe you set up a private signing with Isabella Valencia.” Scarlett still looked dazed from the encounter. “How long did it take you to plan this?”
“About two and a half months. I didn’t have to work too hard to convince her. Like she said, she was happy to do it.”
“Lucky she’s your fan,” Scarlett teased. “Though I don’t think I can say the same for Kai. He kept glaring at you for some reason.”
“Maybe he’s not a Blackcastle supporter.” I shrugged. “Though apparently, I don’t poll well amongst engaged or married men between the ages of twenty-five and fifty. I’m not sure why.”
“Their loss.” She twined her arms around my neck. “I think you’re pretty great.”
“Exceptionallygreat,” she amended. “Better?”
“Much.” I gave her a soft kiss. “Happy anniversary, darling.”
“Happy anniversary.” She sighed dreamily against my mouth. “I could stay here forever. This library is the stuff of dreams.”
“Our dinner reservations aren’t for another hour.” I’d booked us a private room at Valhalla’s onsite restaurant. “But I can think of a few ways to pass that time…” My mouth moved to the delicate shell of her ear. “Without leaving the library.”
Scarlett’s breath quickened. “Here?” she squeaked, clearly picking up on the suggestiveness of my tone. “What if someone comes in?”
“They won’t. The library is reserved for us tonight.” I gave her earlobe a gentle nip before my voice hardened. “Now turn around, bend over, and spread your legs.”
The air flickered, throwing our lighthearted teasing into the dark, murky waters of lust.
Scarlett’s face flushed, but she obeyed without protest. A visible shiver ran through her body as she bent over the table and parted her legs. Her arm brushed the stack of freshly signed books, which I relocated to a nearby couch before grabbing one of the throw pillows.
I tucked the pillow beneath her hips and leaned forward, covering her body with mine. “Do you trust me?”
She nodded, but her shallow breaths morphed into a hitch of surprise when I retrieved the blindfold from my pocket and slowly slipped it over her eyes again.