“Are thosedinosaurs?”
“What kind of kinky shit are you into?”
“Donovan.” Samson crossed his arms, his mouth twitching. “Explain.”
I almost told them the truth until I remembered Scarlett was the one who’d introduced me to the title. I hadn’t read it, but I did not want to explain why Vincent’s sister was the one giving me erotic book recommendations.
“I saw it in a bookstore,” I lied. “It looked…interesting, so I shared it with Adil and Noah.”
“Don’t look at me,” Noah said when everyone swiveled to stare at him. “I was an unwilling recipient of the information.”
“You were in a bookstore? You mean, you can read?” Stevens, one of the other forwards, cracked.
I crumpled a napkin and tossed it at him. It hit him square in the face. “Bugger off, Stevens. You don’t even know how to do your own laundry.”
His face fell. “I told you it was the machine’s fault! That high-tech shit is bloody confusing.”
“Excuse me, but let’s get back to the topic at hand!” Adil raised his voice. “Anyway, as I was saying, I have a team bonding idea. We should create a Blackcastle book club where?—”
More jeers drowned out his voice.
“Where we read a different erotic book every month!” he shouted. “It’ll be fun!”
A book club? That wasmyidea! Granted, I’d been joking at the time, but still. Let it be known that I thought of it first.
However, the rest of the team was not onboard.
“You have a strange idea of fun.”
“No bloody way!”
“You don’t have to join if you don’t want to,” Adil said with great dignity. “But itwillbe fun, and you’ll miss out on some great books. Now, who’s in?” He looked around.
“Come on, guys,” he wheedled. “This is way more interesting than partying every weekend.”
“That’s because you don’t drink,” Stevens said.
“Exactly.” Adil’s smile wilted as the team remained silent. “Seriously?No onewants to join?”
Bloody hell. I was going to regret this later, but… “I’m in.”
I was the one who inadvertently got us into the mess. I might as well see it through.
His face brightened again, and he shot me a grateful look.
“Me too,” Vincent said, surprising the shit out of me. “I’m the captain. Team morale is part of my job.”
“Great!” Adil’s smile returned to full wattage. “I alwaysknewyou two had a good taste. Who else is interested?”
There was another beat of silence.
“I’ll observe.” Noah’s quiet rumble shocked me even more than Vincent’s participation. “But I’m not reading about dinosaur threesomes.”
“Fine.” Adil sounded delighted. “You can be our mascot and bring snacks.”