“Which role are you auditioning for?” he asked me. “I’d love to see you onstage. Show me how the professionals do it.”

This time, even his smile wasn’t enough to unknot the twist in my gut.

“None,” I said. “I don’t participate in showcases.”

“Why not?”

“Because.” I avoided Carina’s sympathetic stare. Besides Vincent, she was the only person who knew my hang-ups around performing. “I don’t have time.”

“The showcase is a lot of work,” she added, backing me up. “Staff participation isn’t mandatory.”

“That’s too bad.” Asher appeared genuinely disappointed.

He wasn’t the only one. If I could snap my fingers and get one wish, I’d wish for the ability to dance onstage again, but life didn’t work that way.

“We have to go, or we’ll miss our train.” I hooked my arm through Carina’s and dragged her down the hall before he drew us deeper into conversation. “I’ll see you Wednesday for our next session,” I added, glancing back over my shoulder.

His mouth tilted up like he knew exactly why I was rushing off. “Looking forward to it, Scarlett.”

A breathless shiver slipped down my spine.

If the way he saiddarlingwas illegal, the velvety intimacy with which he uttered my name was downright sinful.

I didn’t look back, but the warmth of his gaze lingered long after we’d turned the corner.

“Wow,” Carina said once we were out of earshot.

She didn’t have to elaborate.

For better or worse, I knew exactly what she meant.



Mystery Girl was Scarlett.

Scarlett was Vincent’s sister.

Vincent’s sister was our new trainer.

I’d had two days to wrap my head around those mindfucks, and I still couldn’t pinpoint how I felt about them.

Scarlett was nothing like how I’d imagined Vincent’s sister would be. She was quieter, wittier, and pricklier in the most charming way. I’d shown up at RAB on Monday, prepared to tolerate her at best, and now I found out the girl I couldn’t stop thinking about was related to my biggest rival.

The universe had a sick sense of humor.

I paused in the studio’s doorway. Scarlett was already in there setting up, but something kept me from entering right away.

I’d told myself I would stay away from her before I found out who she was. Obviously, I didn’t have that option anymore.

But youdohave the option of not showing up extra early in order to spend more alone time with her,an annoying voice pointed out in my head.

My jaw tensed.Oh, shut up.

Arguing with myself. Never a good sign.

Scarlett turned. Our gazes collided, and a streak of awareness ran down the length of my spine.