"Why did you all hide this from me?" he asked coldly. "For ten years, I felt a longing for someone I didn't know, I felt peace only outside of the human world and thought I was broken because of it." He raised his voice now as the floodgates of his molten anger broke. "Sebastian and his people suffered ten years cursed because I didn't know what I was or what was calling me. I could have come to him earlier. I could have helped everyone. I could have had more time to save him."
"I told you, keeping you in the human world was what was best for you. As for saving the prince, you were both young at the time. Wynter was hanged ten years ago. You were only sixteen. There's nothing you could have done then."
"You don't know that! I have a right to know my own history. I have a right to know about myself. I had a right to know who you and Wynter were and to decide if I ever wanted to seek you out."
He couldn't stop the words from pouring out of his mouth as tears pricked his eyes.
"Maybe at sixteen if I had known the pull was towards my chosen, Sebastian could have been freed sooner and helped me with my sisters. Or maybe if my parent didn't take me to the human world at your request and kept their magic, they could have protected themselves from the wolves and still be here. Maybe my sisters could have had parents this whole time evenif they only knew me as a cousin raised by the two of you in the wilds. Or maybe I could have actually been a kid a little bit longer instead of becoming a single parent at nineteen. I'd do it all over again for my sisters, but I still wish it was different somedays. Now you're telling me it could have been. You could have intervened at any point in my life, and you watched me flounder alone. Now I have someone who makes the world less lonely, and I might lose him."
For the first time since his parents died, Theo felt like a petulant teenager as tears rolled down his cheeks. He glared at Veil. "All these secrets are a betrayal. All of you let me down. You think I have the potential to hate Wynter if I fail at saving Sebastian? Well, I already do. I hate all of you. You all made every wrong choice and never stopped to question the repercussions they would have on me. You just did what was the least scary and the most convenient for you."
Veil was quiet as Theo yelled. When a heavy silence hung between them, he finally spoke again. "Ophelia and your uncle Cyrus wanted to tell you. They planned to tell you. We argued about it. They let us know when you were eighteen, they would tell you regardless of our wishes because they found the secret keeping cruel. Judging by your reaction, they were right and Wynter and I were wrong. Unfortunately, they passed before the day came. Any anger you have about not knowing sooner is for Wynter and I to hold. Not them. If you hate anyone, hate us."
"Thank you. I needed to know that." Theo wiped his eyes as a sliver of relief made its way into his heart. The story of his life had just been rewritten, but at least he could know the parents that raised him were good people.
Exhausted and overwhelmed, he tried to refocus. "I saw everything you wanted me to see. Can I please know how to save the kingdom now? Sebastian needs me."
"You still want to save him even if Wynter is what forged this connection between you two?"
"I don't care why I love him. I just know that I do," Theo said without hesitation.
"You sound a lot like Wynter when you speak. Both so certain of what you want," Veil smiled and nodded. "I will point you the right direction. As you know, the curse ends when the prince accepts his chosen mate and they make love bloom in his heart and the lands. You need to be accepted, and the rest will come naturally."
"But he has accepted me. We accepted each other."
"You've said you love each other, which is beautiful, but curses don't end with simple words. They require action. He needs to perform an act to show the stars he has accepted you."
"Fine, what act? Whatever it is, I'll do it."
"I can't tell you directly, but the answer lies with Wynter's belongings. Go through her things with just your Chosen and you'll find the answer. Complete the act and a replacement heart will spawn." The trees rustled and he frowned. "It's time for you to head back."
"Wait! I have more questions!" Theo said quickly but it was too late. There was a flash of white light and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground groaning as the others stared down at him.
Chapter Forty-Two
"You're awake," Sebastian said with relief then rubbed his arm. "Do you feel all right?"
"Was I sleeping?"
"You went in a trance or something," Coralie said, glancing at Sebastian. "He pulled you back out and we've just been waiting."
"I've never seen a floral nymph go into a trance," Jacques said, tilting his head. "But I suppose whatever works."
"I'm not sure when it happened. I grew the rose bush and then..." He trailed off as the pain in his head settled. "I need to tell you all something before we head back to the castle for the night."
Choosing his words carefully, he explained seeing Veil, his relation to the spirit, and the truth he learned about the king framing Wynter.
There was a long silence until his sisters spoke.
"Poor woman," Luna said as she looked to Theo. "I'm sorry that happened to your birth mother. And I hope you know you're still our brother. It doesn't matter who brought you here."
"Exactly," Coralie said in firm agreement. "I don't care what anyone says. We're a family."
He knew that but hearing them say it added a bit of relief to his conflicted feelings. He looked to Sebastian who was quiet as if turning the information over in his head. Anxiety expanded in his chest as he stayed silent.How could he accept me after Wynter, my mother, did this? His father didn't stay with his Chosen. Will he?
"Her rage certainly makes sense," Oliver said with a sigh. "I might have cursed the kingdom, too. Torture breaks a person."
Are you all right?" Theo asked Sebastian hesitantly. "This was a lot to take in."