"You have kept me here working for you under threat and I have given in out of desperation time and time again. But I am done. The veil gave this gift to the lands to a queen worthy of it before you were even a passing thought in your parents' minds. You have failed to live up to her in every regard. You're lucky the veil didn't smother out the heart ages ago. Breaking the heart is just the manifestation of your greed and incompetence." She held her head high. "Do what you want, but I love the veil more than I fear you and I won't go against its wishes. If it wanted you to keep the heart, it would still be alive or it would replace it."

The king got to his feet and yanked her up with him by the chains. "Take her to be persuaded." He gripped her face hard and smiled down at her. "When you change your mind, call for me. I may be willing to offer mercy if you beg."

Wynter spit on his face.

Before they saw the repercussions, the world blurred like ink in water and soon Theo was standing among the crowd in front of the gallows. A knot formed in his stomach as Wynter stumbled forward. Her legs were weak, her eyes drooped with exhaustion, her light brown skin was black and blue, and hercurly dark hair was a ratty, tangled mess. Her hands arms and shoulders were scorched with terrible burns that made her look raw to the touch.

Theo's heart ached for her he took a step forward, but the veil stopped him with an outstretched arm. "You can't change the past. Just watch her."

"I didn't do it," she said, her eyes tearful. Her voice was a weak rasp compared to what it was when she confronted the king. "Your king did this to you. I would never hurt my home like this. I'd never disrespect the veil like this."

Their screams only grew louder. The crowd was emaciated and full of malice. Various calls about how she was always deadly and dangerous were screeched out.

Her eyes went from fearful to full of rage. "Fine, suffer with your king then." Her eyes glowed magenta and she snarled as she spat the curse to the king.

As the final words about accepting his chosen mate was uttered, the king waved a hand dismissively.

The floor gave way. Her neck snapped. A bright light shot out across the lands.

Theo couldn't look away as people screamed and turned to run as the light washed over them. One by one they all froze in place. The king turned to stone and soon Sebastian would be cursed to carry the burden of his father's actions. But behind the fleeing chaotic crowd, Theo witnessed something he doubted anyone else saw that day.

Wynter fell out of her body.

Her physical body was still on the rope, but a version of her sat very much alive on the ground below. She was made of opaque shadows that reminded Theo of the blue hour right before dawn. Instead of the dirty clothes she was hanged in, she was wrapped in a black fabric with edges that glowed a faintorchid purple. Her hair was no longer matted, and all her burns were gone.

She stood staring at her own corpse in confusion as the first of countless snowflakes fell from the sky. A cyclone of snow swirled in front of her and then Veil appeared. As soon as she saw him, she smiled and leapt into his arms.

At first Theo thought it was simply a nymph seeing the spirit of the veil that made her elated, but then Veil leaned in and kissed her like she was the stars themselves. Another gust of snowflakes came, and they vanished together, still locked in a kiss.

"You loved her?" Theo said softly, glancing at Veil next to him.

"I did." For the second time, an emotion flashed across his face as he smiled to himself. "I still do."

The world churned again, and they were both in the veil by Theo's home.

Horrible growls and barks came from a distance, and Theo knew what this night was.

"I don't want to see this," he said. He was going to tell veil to take him back but then he heard it. His mother's voice came through the trees.

He followed it and what he saw made his stomach drop. She was pleading with the plants like he vaguely remembered, but standing in front of her was Veil.

"Please save him." She looked up at him pleadingly from her knees clutching Theo's lifeless body. "We did everything you and Wynter asked. We raised him as our own. We love him as our own." Life faded from her with every passing word. "You said we could call in one favor from you for taking him and this is my favor. I don't care about my life. Just save our son. If not for us, for Wynter. And if not for her, then do it because you owe him for bringing him into this world."

Veil was stoic in the past, but he reached down and placed a hand over Theo's bloody chest. There was a bang as a lightning bolt shot from his palm straight into Theo's teen body that jolted. His wound was sealed shut with the glowing green scar he would carry forever. A second later, he took a ragged breath as he came back alive.

The moment his mother Ophelia heard him breathe, she smiled, then collapsed onto him with utter relief. A few moments later, she passed on.

Veil took Theo, laid him in some foliage, then carried his mother to his father's side in a bed of red poppies and spider lilies. Kneeling next to his father was Wynter. She shook with heavy sobs as she caressed his face.

"I believe it's best we go," Veil said, holding out a hand to her.

"Did my brother suffer?" she asked in a soft voice.

"No. He went quick and his soul is with Ophelia like he wanted." He petted her head. "You'll see them again later."

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking back at Theo who was glowing among the leaves and vines. "I don't want him to remember this," she choked out. "He doesn't need to remember this."

Veil went back to Theo, placed a finger on his forehead, and as he lifted it away, a wisp of white light came with him. He clutched it and it dissolved into dust. "His memory will be fuzzy. He may still remember some of Ophelia's words but that's the best I can do. Erasing death is difficult."