Chapter Thirty-Seven
Theo took both the girls by the hand and walked them into Amaryllis.
"This was here the whole time?" Luna said with a furrowed brow. "But how?"
"You found people?" Oliver said in shock as he came over. "And you brought them here?"
"I did." He looked around and frowned. "Where's Sebastian? Did he leave?"
"He's further down the road," Jacques replied. "He's not doing so well. Let's not take the visitors to him quite yet."
Sure enough, he saw Sebastian walking back towards the castle in the distance. "I should talk to him. Girls, wait right here. Oliver and Jacques are safe."
He ran to catch up and once he was close enough, he reached for him.
Sebastian whirled around and swiped his arm, making Theo yelp. His eyes were enraged, and his chest rose and fell as his angry breath fogged out in front of him in the cool night air. He bared his teeth and growled at him as spots darkened on his face. Clutched in his other hand was the clutched flower Theo gave to him.
"Theo, are you okay?" Coralie called, already running over.
"Don't come closer," he demanded, holding his bloody hand up as he kept his eyes on Sebastian.
"I'm sorry." Sebastain’s ears folded back and he tucked his clawed hands under his armpits. "I didn't know it was you. I wasn't thinking. I'm going to go."
Theo wrapped his arms around him and held tight. "I told you to Stop running from me."
"Let go," he growled, trying to twist away, but Theo only gripped harder.
"I'm not going to do that. You can be mad. You can yell at me. But I’m staying. Go ahead and do whatever you need to calm down, but I’m not letting you go.”
"I want to eat you so you can't leave me," he said in a rage filled snarl.
"Fair I guess," Theo said, chuckling to himself.
"I want to tear out your tendons so you can’t wander anywhere.”
"That would make taking care of you difficult,” Theo teased softly. “How am I going to carry you around the suite?”
"I need to bite you,’ he said his voice barely human as he spoke, and his two tails swished as he thrashed in Theo’s arms. “I want to mark you and devour you, so you know you’re mine."
"I already know I’m yours and I don’t know if I can handle your teeth. Can you settle for scolding me instead?" he said, kissing his head. Sebastain finally slumped in his arms and stopped fighting against him. "I must've really scared you tonight. I'm sorry. Do you feel better yet?”
“No.” Sebastian finally held him back and mumbled into his chest, "I hate when you don't listen."
"This one time, can you forgive me?" Theo said, rubbing his back gently. "This time it was really important, and I have some people I want you to meet."
"Theo, who is this?" Coralie asked hesitantly as she came up behind him.
"This is Sebastian. He's the prince of this place and my partner. Sebastian, these are my sisters, Coralie and Luna."
"Partner?" Coralie repeated, frowning.
"Sisters?" Sebastian's voice hissed over fangs. He quickly let go of Theo and put his claws behind his back. "Hello."
"Hello," Luna said, cheerily waving. "It's a pleasure to meet you. We've never been introduced to one of Theo’s partners. How exciting."
Coralie stayed silent.
"It's nice to meet you both," Sebastian said, clearing his throat and pulling his hood best he could over his antlers. He scanned them, noticing they were dressed for an autumn day, not a winter night. "You must be freezing. Let's go inside and I can give you a room and some warm clothes." He turned on his heels and silently led the way.