Theo tried again and again as the days rolled on. One day he tried to calm his mind and feel a burn, a flow, a spark, or a steady heartbeat. Another he imagined flowers in his mind bloomingfrom the earth. One evening, he tried speaking out loud to the veil. He tried without gloves.
He tried touching the dead trees, he tried digging into the earth under the snow and connecting with the deeper soil.
He tried only growing vegetation. He tried only growing fruits and flowers. He massaged the earth and pleaded with it. He tried meditating.
He tried anything and everything he could think of, but the veil didn't answer. Nothing grew. Not a single sprig or blade of grass.
Theo's heart ached one night as he sat on the snowy ground, feeling defeated. He needed to save Sebastian and every day he failed, he knew he was closer to losing him.
If my parents had told me the truth, then I'd be prepared for this. I could've tried to help earlier. I could be useful.
He huffed in frustration and covered his face with his hands. "I don't know how to replicate what I did that night. I don't even fully remember doing it."
"Why don't we be done for today?" Sebastian said, rubbing his shoulders. "We all struggle to connect at first when learning our abilities. You'll get there. Don't be hard on yourself."
"It took me months," Jacques agreed. "Even then I wasn't the best at it. Luckily you only need to grow one thing far as we know. We can get you there."
Theo reluctantly got to his feet but as he looked out across the snowy landscape, he had an epiphany. "Wait! Why don't I practice outside the kingdom?"
"Why?" Sebastian frowned. "You need to be able to grow something here, not out there."
"Right. But my connection is weak from lack of practice and the only time I've heard the heartbeat was out there. Maybe I need to establish and strengthen outside of the curse's limits andthen come back. Plus, the veil's wilds are stronger at night so now is a good time."
"Good idea!" Oliver said. "Certainly can't hurt. He did pull vines and roots from outside the boundaries of the curse."
Sebastian fell quiet. Since Theo had returned, Sebastian's antlers and claws hadn't fully gone away. It made it slightly harder to know when he was upset but there were subtle signs. As Oliver and Jacques talked enthusiastically about the idea, a cluster of rosettes appeared on Sebastian cheek and traveled down his neck.
"Can we have a moment?" Theo said, taking Sebastian's arm and walking him away from the couple so they could talk. "I can tell you don't like the idea, so I want to hear you out."
"I can't protect you out there," he said, biting his cheek. "Countless things can go wrong and I can't even leave the gate. I just discovered you're my Chosen. I don't want to lose you already."
"I'll stay close to the entrance so if anything happens I can come right back. I can even tie a rope you can hold so you feel more secure."
"That could work, I guess. Promise to not wander?"
"I promise," Theo said, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. "I told you I'm not going anywhere."
"You two are so sweet!" Jacques called.
Sebastian turned pink and scowled. "Let's go to the gate. But you are only trying for a little while. Then we're going inside."
Chapter Thirty-Six
They made their way to the kingdom's gate and Theo walked out a few feet and sat. The heat of the veil on one side of his body and the cool winds of the kingdom on the other was still jarring. But Theo did his best to focus.
He sat on the ground with a rope around his waist. He put his hands against the moss on the ground and tried to feel that heartbeat again.
"Breathe, find peace, and try to find the heartbeat you mentioned," Sebastian said with a nod.
"Remember," Jacques added, "try to picture a plant rising from the earth."
Theo did as he was told. There was nothing for several minutes and his frustration began to boil.I want to do this for Sebastian. I need to do this for Sebastian. Just as he was about to give up for the night, his hands warmed, as if he submerged them in water. Suddenly he was woozy. The world spun. His arms felt heavy as if he had carried his cart for hours.
Then, out from under his palms, a small sprout stretched upward. "I think it's working," he said breathlessly, too afraid to speak much more or lose whatever sliver of connection he had grasped onto.
Then a flash of bright white startled him. In front of him was the being he kept seeing from a distance. They watched Theo curiously but then smiled ever so slightly. With an outstretched hand, they caressed the tip of the sprig. Then, like a conductor,they guided it higher and higher until a small pink camellia bloomed.
Theo stared at the being and for the first time he was certain of who he was. "You're the veil, aren't you?"