"My dad wasn't a soft ruler. He certainly wanted more power, but I never thought he'd be so foolish." He let out a tired sigh. "I don't want Theo's relation to her to be discussed until this is over. Lyle might've killed him on sight if he had known, and I have to imagine others feel the same. I'm unsure what I want to do with this information, but for now, let's head back to the castle and rest."
As they walked back, Theo took Sebastian's hand and lingered behind. "I have something else to tell you. I think you and I need to look through Wynter's things. Veil said I should go with just you."
"We can go look tonight," he said, wringing his hands. "I guess it's time to finally show you the east wing."
Chapter Forty-Three
"Obviously many of us fear Wynter," Sebastian explained late in the night as they walked down the hall while everyone else slept. "Her room is in the very back of the east wing. We'll head there in a second, but first there's something else I want to do." He walked to what was definitely the king's quarters and turned the lock.
The east wing was dusty and dark. Statues of nymphs dotted the hall. But these nymphs weren't dressed as staff or guards. They were all draped in expensive royal garments.
"And these statues your family?"
"They are," Sebastian said softly. "I don't want anyone to hurt them or smash them due to the rage they feel towards my father, so I keep them locked up."
They stopped at two large cranberry red doors with golden handles that clearly belonged to the king. "This will be a quick stop before Wynter's chambers."
Theo followed him through the lavish suite to one open door. Inside, sitting in a dark red velvet armchair in front of the bright fireplace, was Lyle. He looked up from his book and when he saw it was Sebastian, his eyes widened in surprise.
"So, this is where he is being kept," Theo said, rolling his eyes.
"Don't bicker. I just want to speak with him before we go. If you want to wait outside, you can."
"I'll stay out of it, but I'm not leaving you with him. I don't trust him."
"Fine, fine," Sebastian said, looking up at Lyle with a sad smile. "Lyle, I hope you are spending this time to reflect."
"I can do little else," he said, standing and walking over. "I didn't think you'd be coming to see me. I definitely didn't think you'd bring your ...Theo."
"We were passing by and I wanted to stop in."
Lyle knelt in front of Sebastian and bowed his head. "I'm sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn't have hurt you and I shouldn't have tried to hurt Theo. I let my worry and fear of death turn me cruel. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I hope I can earn it back someday."
Sebastian touched his shoulder. "This curse wears on all of us. I can't forgive you, but I can understand you. We can never go back to how we were, but I wanted you to know that I'm not walking around hating you."
"Thank you." He lifted his gaze to meet his eyes. "And thank you for locking me up and not having me killed. Many would have. I would have in the past."
"I told you, there's been too much death. Rest well. I hope this short rest can be healing for you."
They both turned to go, and Lyle gripped Theo's cloak.
He coldly glanced down. "Let go. Sebastian has chosen to make peace with your actions, but I haven't."
"I know, just... promise to take care of him. Please."
"I intend to." He tugged his cloak away and followed Sebastian out into the hall again. "Why did you want to see him?"
"It felt wrong not to. For all his flaws, he does care about me and our people. It would tear him up inside to not know how I was. I wanted him to see that, even after what he did, I'm okay. Also, I wanted him to see I still chose you."
"That is rather sweet," Theo admitted reluctantly. "You are a great prince because of your ability to not be cruel and cold. I love that about you. Just promise me you won't visit him alone."
"I won't. I promise." He led Theo to another door at the very back of the hall. There was a large plum purple door with golden handles. Sebastian swallowed as he clutched a key. "This room is just a room, but after the curse I'm a little fearful of what we'll find."
"We'll face it out together," Theo said, rubbing his shoulder.
Sebastian carefully turned the lock and shoved it open. He stepped backwards as if afraid something in her chambers would leap out at him. When nothing came out, the two of them entered hand in hand.
Wynter's room was full of frost covered flowers. Lilies had burst from floorboards and wisteria draped from the high ceiling. There was a desk made of polished mahogany that had parchments and journals piled high. A far wall was lined top to bottom with shelves of books and journals. Lavender bushes with tiny glowing flecks of yellow on their leaves sprouted out the bottom shelf, hiding half of the titles. A bed in another corner was left messy and unmade.