The being reached forward and tapped Theo's chest with a delicate finger. The moment they touched him, Theo's scar flashed bright and made the others gasp. As quickly as the being came, they went, disappearing in a blink.

"You alright?" Sebastian called. "Has your scar done that before?"

"No, but I don't think it was a bad thing." Theo plucked the flower and presented it to Sebastian as he crossed back into the kingdom. "I saw that being again. I think he's the veil. Like a spirit." A silence fell over the others as they exchanged anxious glances. "Is it bad if I saw them? They don't seem dangerous."

"The only person who’s ever claimed to have seen the veil is Wynter," Sebastian said, wringing his hands. "Most didn't believe her. Those who did assumed it was because she was a nymph of decay."

"I see," Theo said, slowly noticing the way Oliver and Jacques looked scared of him. "We'll, I'm not a nymph of decay as far as I can tell. So could there be another reason?"

"I don't know," Sebastian admitted and sighed. "Her magic was feared here even before the curse, and we don't understand it much. My only guess is that it's because you're linked to the curse ending. Maybe the veil's spirit has the key."

"Yes, that makes sense," Oliver said as he rubbed Jacques's back. "Are they still here? Can you ask for some answers?"

"They’re gone for now," Theo said, looking back into the wilds. "I'll do my best to talk to them next time."

"For now, let's go inside and we can try and find a connection later. Using your powers can make you tired, especially when you first start using them."

"I guess I'm a bit woozy," Theo said, getting to his feet. The loud roar of wind in the distance rang out and they all panicked.

"Hurry!" Sebastian grabbed Theo and all four of them gripped tight to the trees as the fog rushed by, smacking against them as it stampeded towards the mountains, knocking down a scattering of trees and sucking up bushes.

"Theo, are you okay?" Sebastian asked once it passed.

"I'm good," he said through a cough. The heartbeat he heard was louder now. He could feel its rhythm inside his body. "I think I should come out after the fog comes tomorrow."

"We can discuss it but—"

A loud bang rang out through the night from the veil. "Did you hear that?” Theo asked. “Sounds like someone crashed. I think I should make sure they're okay. They may not know how to get out of here."

"What?" Sebastian frowned. "No. What if they're dangerous? Let's just head back to the castle for tonight and celebrate your progress."

"But humans don't understand the veil. I'll be right back." He turned on his heels and walked back into the lush forest. Guilt gripped his throat as Sebastian's pleas grew farther away.I'll just hurry back so I can apologize.

"Hello? Is anyone hurt?" he called. He got no response and worried they had gotten too injured to speak. "Anyone? If you're hurt, can you give me a sign?"

"I see Adora's cart. We have to be close," a voice said.

"But how do we know which direction to go?" another asked.

"The stars suggested tonight was a good night to travel so I'm sure we'll figure it out. Maybe there's a clue nearby."

"Your stars have been as helpful as Adora. Ugh! We should've made her at least guess a direction. Everything out here looks the same!"

Theo sprinted forward now.There's no way. They can't be."Girls?" he called as loud as he could "Girls is that—Oof!" All at once he slammed into something and he fell back. He looked up, and Luna and Coralie were standing over him holding a lantern. He was stunned, staring at them in disbelief.

"Theo!" they cried out, practically falling into his arms on the forest floor. They each burst into tears and clung so tight it reminded Theo of the day he brought them home from the orphanage. Through sobs they choked out a complicated story about how they ended up planning to try and find him and how scary the trip was.

"I told you I'd come back eventually." He squeezed them back his own eyes burning. "You shouldn't have come here. Traveling here alone was too dangerous."

"You gave up everything for us." Luna pulled away and wiped her eyes. "How could we not come find you?"

"That's so sweet of you both but-"

"But nothing," Coralie snapped swatting him. "I lost my parents before I didn't want to lose my dad again."

Theo broke. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he held them tight under the stars. "I'm sorry I took so long. I'm really happy to see you."

Under the moonlight, bright white roses sprouted around them and glowed like little stars.