"I did."

"Then why are you here? Why aren't you home?"

"One, I don't walk that fast. And two, I never bothered heading home." He got up and took off his cloak, drapingit around Sebastian for modesty. "Stay here." He rushed off, retrieved his crate, and set it in front of Sebastian. "I got you something."

Sebastian hesitated but lifted the lid and gasped. Pink flowers came spilling out onto the floor—roses, tulips, morning glories, snap dragons and countless glowing camellias. "You picked all of these for me?"

"I did. I couldn't come back during the storm, so I spent my time tracking down your favorite flower and some extra pink ones that made me think of you." He kneeled on the ground next to him. "I don't understand why you're pushing me away, but whatever the reason, I'm not giving upon us. I have never felt this way about anyone, and I think you care about me, too. So, please, let me stay."

Sebastian plucked a shining camellia out of the crate and stared at it in silence. He covered his face with his other hand, avoiding Theo's eyes.

"Sebastian?" To Theo's surprise, tears flowed down his cheeks in rivers. "Kitten, don't cry," he said with a laugh. He wrapped his arms around him and kissed his damp cheek. "Just say I can stay with you."

"You can stay," he croaked out. "I want you to stay."

"Come on then." Carefully he scooped up his tearful prince and carried him up the hall to his suite. "Let's get you cleaned up and in bed. I'll bring your flowers in later." The hall was quiet as the rest of the guards watched them pass by.

In the washroom, Theo ran a warm tub of hot water into a decadent clawfoot bathtub with golden spouts. He only left once to grab the flowers so he could add a few rose petals into the water. Sebastian quietly sat on a stool and watched him intently. "I can wait in bed while you wash up." He kissed his head and turned to the door, but Sebastian gripped his sleeve. "Yes?"

"I want you to stay in here with me," he said quietly.

"If that's what you want." He helped Sebastian out of his cloak and eased him into the water. "Can I wash you?"

Sebastian held his knees and kept an eye on a rose petal drifting across the water. "I suppose that's fine."

Theo dragged the stool over and took a seat at the side of the tub. Tenderly, he washed the blood from each long nail that glinted in the candlelight. He moved on to Sebastian’s large antlers. They weren't as large as when he was shifted but they hadn't fully shrunk either. They stood out from his head. One was nearly two feet long, and the other was about six inches shorter.

Gently and careful not to poke himself on their sharp edges, he began to wash them. "What happened to this antler?" Theo asked as he wiped it clean.

"I broke it off," Sebastian said quietly.

"Did you fall?"

"No. I was upset when they first showed up and snapped it off in anger. I wish I didn't."

Theo paused and his heart ached for his sweet prince. He leaned in and kissed the lopsided antler. "It's adorable to me. I hope you know that."

Sebastian looked up at him with tired eyes as if deciding whether or not to believe him.

Theo chuckled a little to himself, enjoying being under his piercing gaze again.Back to being a skeptical house cat, I see.

He grabbed a toothbrush and tapped a fang. "Open up."

"I can do that my—ah," he coughed as Theo ignored him, gripped his cheeks, and proceeded to brush gently. “What are you doing?” he slurred glaring at him.

"Behave yourself," Theo said in a teasing voice. "You can barely hold your eyes open." He smiled as he brushed off the dark blood stains. “You know, you act as if you’re so scary, but your fangs are a bit cute. They make your lips pout in thisadorable way. I thought about that a lot while I was out in the wilds. I was excited to see your fangs again. I was daydreaming about the prick of your claws, and the way you hiss at me when I annoy you. I really missed you.”

A soft pink light filled the room and Sebastain stayed quiet, giving into to Theo’s invasive doting.

Once Theo also washed, the two of them lay side by side in Sebastian's bed.

"I heard you were shifted for a while. You must be exhausted." Theo rustled the hair between his leopard ears. "You should rest. I'll stay here with you."

"You won't leave?"

"I don't plan to," he said with a yawn.

He came closer and buried his face in his chest. His antlers poked Theo slightly, but he didn't mind. "Goodnight, Sebastian."