"Why are you so sour today?" he asked with a laugh.

"I'm not." Sebastian thought of Theo's wounded look when he saw the two of them together but shoved the memory away. "I just don't like being touched."

"Now we both know that's not true." Lyle leaned in, lowering his voice further. "Perhaps if I was human you'd feel differently."

"I'm not in the mood." A low growl slipped in under his voice. "I told you nothing was going on. I heard you out yesterday. If you have something new to add, say it. Otherwise, go busy yourself elsewhere."

"I do have something new to say."

"Great," Sebastian said, sarcastically rolling his eyes. "Out with it then so I may be freed from your presence."

He leaned in and spoke in a low venomous tone. "I saw you with him."

"I don't know what you mean." Sebastian's chest tightened. "I'm often with him."

"Play coy all you want, but I know what I saw. I got worried and went out to find you before the storm. I have to hand it to him, taming you enough to get a gag in your mouth is a feat I never achieved. We certainly didn’t fuck in the yard where anyone could see. I'm a bit jealous."

"So what?" He scowled. "I slept with him. Who cares?"

"Are you kidding me? We need the curse to end as soon as possible and you're letting a human manipulate your heart."

"He wasn't manipulating me."

"Sebastian, don't be naive."

"Will you just leave me alone?"

"If it's not manipulation, it's pity." Lyle scoffed. "Think about it for a second. Out of everyone here, why would a human ever choose you?"

Irritability gave way to rage. Without thinking, he pounced on Lyle, knocking him and the chair to the ground. The mug he was holding burst as it hit the floor, sending bits of glass scattering. The room went silent, and all eyes were on the two of them.

"I said. Leave. Me. Alone," he growled, sinking claws into Lyle's chest.

"You animal!" Lyle spat. "What is wrong with you?" The words cut through his heart and Lyle immediately softened with regret. "I didn't mean that."

"Yes, you did." He got up, turned on his heels, and walked out the lounge.

"Wait for us!" Oliver called, rushing up the hall after him with Jacques in tow.

"I don't want to talk to anyone. I'm going back to bed. Being with everyone was a bad idea," he said, still walking.

Jacques stepped in front of him, forcing him to halt. "Where is Theo?"

"I'm sure he's halfway to his sisters if not further."

"I knew it." Jacques shook his head. "Why on earth did you send him away?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It matters," Oliver said, standing at Jacques's side. "I know the pressure you're under, but if he made you happy, I feel like you deserved to see it through. Besides, what if he's—"

"He's a human. Lyle's cruel but he was right. What business do I have with a human? It doesn't make sense. He couldn't possibly be the answer."

"Why not? Magic is complicated. The Veil is complicated. What if he was who we’ve been waiting for?" Jacques pressed.

"Well either way, he's long gone. If he was the answer he would've stayed."

"Let's drop it for now," Oliver said, touching Jacques's shoulder. "We'll discuss this later."