"Then I'll get stronger."
"And if I turn into more of an animal? If I can't stop my urges to eat you?" he said, still not lifting his head. He rubbed Theo’s back feeling the cuts, and drying blood. “If I can’t stop myself from at least scratching you?”
"That is an issue," he said, rubbing Sebastian's back in light circles.I think my prince is a bit insecure tonight."I'll have to suffer and put you on a leash and gag you in the bedroom. What a tragedy for me."
"You really don't take my potential to hurt you seriously," he said, finally lifting his head and looking at him with a soft smile.
"I do, but I also take how hard you’re trying seriously. I trust you. Are you feeling upset after being gagged? You seem extra worried about the future."
"I guess so." He sighed and tugged Theo closer on his lap. "I can feel this way sometimes after being tied up. It'll pass."
"Well, until then," Theo said, standing and scooping Sebastian into his arms. "I'll spoil you until you feel better. Let's get inside and lay in bed for a while. We can just cuddle for a bit."
"You can carry me halfway. Carrying me and the stones is too much."
"Whatever you say, Kitten."
"Stop it," he said with a scowl.
"Do you hate it that much?" Theo asked as they made their way back towards the castle. "If it actually bothers you, I won't call you that anymore."
"I don't hate it... Just don't call me that in front of others. I like that you have a private nickname for me."
"Yeah, I like it that way, too." Theo's heart swelled. "I want you to be my kitten and no one else's."
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Once they were back, the lounge was lively as everyone drank light purple liquid from glasses. In the back corner, there were two barrels where people were filling cups. Jacques and Oliver leaned on the wall near the barrels flirting.
"What's this?" Sebastian asked as he approached with Theo in tow.
"Don't be mad," Oliver said, slinging an arm around him. "We thought since we're stuck inside for a couple days, it was a good time to break out the liquor barrels. There's nothing like a strong drink when you're freezing."
"Please don't tell us to put it back," Jacques added, clutching his glass. "After the recent losses, this is nice. We left the other three barrels behind for a special occasion like you wanted."
"It seems like the choice has already been made," Sebastian said, shoving Oliver off. He grabbed a glass from a table, filled it halfway, and offered it to Theo. "Drink it slow. This is rather potent."
"I don't drink much in the human world," Theo said before taking a sip. The warm liquor smelled floral, like hibiscus petals and honey. Each sip tasted like early spring. "I see why everyone wanted to drink this tonight. Warms you down to the bone."
"I'm glad you like it," Sebastian said with a smile. "If you feel woozy, tell me."
"You two took a while collecting stones. Was there an issue?" Oliver asked with a sly smile.
"No issue, just tedious work," Sebastian said, bringing the glass to his lips.
"Right." He glanced at Theo then spoke in a low voice so no one would overhear. "I've never had to change my pants after collecting stones."
Sebastian choked on his drink, falling into some coughs.
"We got distracted," Theo explained. "Looks like we were caught after all."
"Don't worry, it's not too noticeable," Jacques said while Oliver laughed at Sebastian. "We just had a hunch since you both took so long."
"You're also doting on him tonight," Oliver added. "The post sex haze seems to make you more affectionate."
"I'm not doting, I'm expressing concern," he snipped.
"I wouldn't mind if you doted," Theo teased, clinking his glass to the prince’s. "I like to be spoiled from time to time, too."