Theo frowned and shoved Sebastian hard, causing him to fall flat on his back into the snow. He slid down so his head was between his thighs.
"W-what are you doing?" Sebastian stammered in a panic as Theo swiftly undid his pants and brought his cock to his lips.
"I feel like it’s rather obvious.” He licked the tip teasingly and smiled at the cute whimper that followed. “I meant it when I said I find you beautiful. I don't find any part of you off-putting."
"I know you said that, but I don't need you to do this for me." His protest devolved rapidly into gruff growls as Theo licked up the full length of him. Sebastian thrusted forward and Theo smirked up at him.
"You say you don't need me to satisfy you and yet you're already leaking after a few licks." Theo laughed and sat up. He held up the gag. "Open up.”
Sebastain bit his lip and stared at it.
“I know you don’t love it but you're clearly enjoying this and I'm not getting bitten while I'm down there.” He lifted his chin and kissed him softly drinking in the whimper on his tongue. “I promise as soon as I'm done, if you behave yourself, you can kiss me all you want. Deal?”
Sebastian's antlers shined bright, and he opened his mouth.
“Good boy.” Theo tied it on then leaned in and kissed his forehead. “I love when you listen well. Now let me show you how much I adore you." He lowered back down and took Sebastian's cock to his lips. "If you want me to stop, tap my head and I'll back off."
Theo worried he wasn't doing a good job since it had been a while since he pleased any man with his mouth. And he definitely hadn't done it while lying on his stomach in the snow. But the way Sebastian gripped his hair and pushed him down further, making him choke, erased any doubts.
He peered up and saw Sebastian's face teetering between lust and hunger. The unbridled greed that poured out of him was delicious. And the fact that Theo knew he was the only one Sebastian craved so fully—bones, flesh, and all—made it all the sweeter.
Sebastian pulled Theo away as the knot steadily swelled near the base of his shaft.
Straddling him again, Theo wrapped a hand around his cock and stroked fast. “I’ll finish you off with my hands.”
Sebastian gripped him tight and curled forward, resting his head on his shoulder. His claws pierced the cloak as if it was paper.
Theo winced but didn’t move to stop him. He couldn't see Sebastain’s face, but the sounds grew more animalistic by the second. The patches of opal on his cheek and upper thighs glowed blue again.
"You can't bite me, so you don't need to hold back," Theo reminded. "I want you to cum for me."
A loud, muffled growl came from Sebastian as he raked claws down.
Theo hissed in pain as he felt the thin cuts going down his back and the slight kiss of winter air seeping through his clothes. His own blue light seeped out the new tears in the back of his cloak. It blended with Sebastian’s light bathing them both in a sky-blue glow. The heat of Sebastain’s climax spilled into his hands, and he felt a swell of pride.
"Good kitten." Theo pulled his hand away and licked his fingertips clean. "You taste sweet."
Sebastain’s antlers immediately jumped from blue to a blinding fuchsia that swallowed them both.
"Sorry, sorry.” Theo laughed. “I didn’t mean to make you shy." He untied the gag and let it fall into the snow. "I love when you get all flustered. It’s so precious."
"Stop it," the prince muttered, still not lifting his head off Theo's shoulder.
"You're not going to look at me after I let you use my mouth? A bit cruel, don't you think?" He got a groan in response and smiled. "Fine, I'll let you hide for now."
"Thanks for doing that," Sebastian said after a long stretch of quiet.
His voice was so sweet Theo swore his heart would give out. "You don't need to thank me. I told you I wanted to." He hugged him tight. "We should go soon before your friends find us again."
"I need to rest for a minute. My legs are tingling."
"I can carry you inside," Theo offered.
"I'm too heavy."
"I'll have you know I'm rather strong for a human."
"What will you do when I turn to stone even more and I get heavier?"