"So much for obedient." He dropped the chain form his hands and held Sebastian's face. "For the first time you did good. I have no bite marks. Let me give you a reward and take care of you." He reached down but Sebastian gripped his hand and shook his head. "You don't want to?"

"I do, but I don't think that's a good idea. I don't trust myself to go further." He avoided Theo's gaze. "The closer I get, the better you taste and more delicious you smell."

"You sure you won't be disappointed if we stop here? I feel bad leaving you unsatisfied."

"Are you joking?" He placed a soft kiss on Theo's palm. "Nothing I do with you could be disappointing." He lookeddown. "I didn't do so well at listening towards the end, but if you want a next time, I'll get better."

If I was falling before, now I am plummeting. "You're too sweet, you know that? I definitely want a next time. As for not listening towards the end, it was such a turn on I finished in like two minutes so don't worry about it."

He gave his hand a squeeze and offered a tired smile. "I do have one concern, though. What's this swelling down here?" he asked, wrapping legs around his waist and pulling him closer so he could feel whatever it was better.

"That's my knot. It's the other reason we should stop. It's a shifter trait that helps with breeding."

"Interesting." Theo's face went hot as his mind hung onto the word breeding. A slew of fantasies shot through his mind, but he just cleared his throat, trying to ignore them. "Do you typically like to be on the giving or receiving end of things?"

"I usually like receiving, but with you that's not what I want." His eyes drifted down to Theo's body lying on the desk and he rubbed his thighs. "I understand if knotting means you don't want to, though. We never have to. I'm satisfied either way."

"I'm not against it. We can work up to it." Sebastian's leopard ears perked up and his tail swished behind him, making Theo laugh. "Don't get too excited. It'll be a while, and it'll take some patience."

"I can be patient."

Theo laughed again.I seem to have a leopard prince wrapped around my finger.

"Sebastian! You in here?" Oliver called, making them both jump. Before they could answer, the door burst open. "Jacques and I need your thoughts on..." He went quiet as he took in the sight.

Theo was laying on the desk completely naked and covered in his own fluids and Sebastian was still standing between his legs. There was no denying what they were up to tonight.

"Oh? What do we have here?" Oliver asked with a laugh. "Seems Theo finally found you."

"He did," Sebastian said as he stepped over to better cover Theo's body from view.

"I knew it!" Jacques said practically bouncing. "Henri and I told you ages ago something was going on between them."

Theo sat up fully now and gave a shy wave. "I don't know about ages ago but tonight, yes."

"Ollie, Jacques," Sebastian said, closing his eyes in frustration but doing his best to be calm. "Is whatever you need urgent?"

"We apologize but the guards need to talk to you," Oliver said, leaning on the door frame. "We were told to see if you were awake."

"We'll tell them you're sleeping," Jacques said quickly. "We're really sorry about the intrusion."

"I'll come down early tomorrow. But um, can you both not tell anyone about this?"

"We didn't see a thing. Have fun," Oliver said with a laugh. "Be gentle with Theo. He's a human. They're fragile and honestly a knot might split him in two."

"Get out," Sebastian demanded. Once the door fell, he groaned and put his forehead on Theo’s. "I'm sorry about them. They won't tell anyone but—"

"I was unaware I had to be a secret," Theo said, cutting him off and pushing him away. "I've been hurt before, Sebastian. People have been embarrassed to be with me, and I find it exhausting. If you feel that way too, then maybe we should end this here."

"I'm not embarrassed because you're you," he said, his brows knitted with hurt. "My kingdom is cursed, but I'm still the prince. Who I pursue relations with causes a fuss, and I want to wait a bit longer before that starts. I'll tell everyone soon. If it upsets you, I'll go tell them all now. Clearly they're all together at the moment."

"I understand." Theo rubbed the spot between his ears and decided to bury his insecurities for now. "I'll try and trust you. Just promise me you'll tell people eventually."

"I promise," he said without hesitation. He scooped Theo up in his arms and kissed his cheek. "Let's get you cleaned up."

Chapter Twenty-Six

Another storm was on the horizon, and everyone was busy prepping for it. Theo climbed high on a ladder to tack a tapestry on the wall for an added layer of insulation. He glanced over his shoulder and scanned the room for Sebastian.