“It’s the only way. With her power, I’ll bring the fae back to the status they deserve. My father is too cowardly to fight for what’s ours. He plans to pass the crown to my brother who is just as weak. I’m saving my people from another century of mediocrity.”

“Arden, I understand your pain, but this isn’t the answer.”

“No,” he spat. “You can’t possibly understand what we’ve lost. Tell you what, I’ll make a deal with you. Stay out of my way, and I won’t obliterate Orion. I’ll let you and your people peacefully surrender to me when the time comes.”

“I would never hand Orion to anyone—least of all a bitter prince whose own father knew he was too power hungry to rule.”

“Have it your way.”

Arden’s fingers twitched, and Silas threw Lex off to the side to safety. The arrow hissed into the air. It hit the wall and burst into angry red flames as it fell.

Silas's body stretched and curved. His nails grew into claws, and his hands and feet stretched and bent until they formed large black paws. His toga and pants melted into his fur. With his vision, strength, and smell heightened tenfold, he pounced. If he kept Arden on the ground, he’d keep the upper hand.

It was a flurry of fists and teeth as they wrestled on the street caked with dust and browning crushed flower petals.

Where is it? Where is it?

Leather and steel from the fae uniform tinged Silas's tongue as he went straight for Arden’s breast pocket. Salt from the deepest corners of the ocean, brimstone, and fresh ink wafted off Arden’s clothes, hinting of The Ravenous One’s essence.

It’s close, but he doesn’t have it. How is that possible?

The clink of metal on stone made his ears twitch.

Silas's head shot up.

Up the dark alleyway, Lex was drunkenly trying to slip away, using the wall to keep himself steady. In his wake, a silver compass on a chain like a pocket watch was deliberately rolling after him as if possessed. Its metal edges scraped and bounced against the cobblestones as it picked up speed.

Time slowed as the chain snapped in two with a loud pop. The compass leaped like a jumping spider straight for Lex’s bloody wrist that hung by his side.

Silas shifted back to human to yell for Lex to run, but it was too late.

Lex’s agonized scream cut through the night and brought Arden’s blows to a halt.

Silas watched in horror as the chains slithered up Lex’s right wrist like two vipers. They tightly coiled around it, tearing through Lex’s fragile flesh as if starved for bone. A searing pain radiated down Silas's own arm as deep red blood poured from Lex’s veins onto the concrete.

With Arden entirely forgotten, Silas sprinted for Lex, who was doubled over in pain and gripping his arm.

No. It can’t be. It can’t.

Arden shot over Silas's head and snatched Lex into the air until they were near the rooftops. He slammed Lex against the wall and yelled in his face, “How did you do that? Give it back to me!”

“I don’t know,” he stammered, twisting away from Arden’s face. “Put me down!”

“I won’t be doing that.” He sank his sharp nails into his cheek and leaned closer. “You’re coming with me. You’re going to be my compass.”

Silas's blood ran ice cold, and pure instinct took over. He snatched Arden out of the air with an animalistic growl. His own heart hammered in his ears as he wrestled his way on top of Arden. He brought his fist down again and again, falling into a rage-induced trance. It only ended when Lex groaned behind him from the ground.

He scrambled off Arden and crawled to Lex, who sat slumped against the wall trembling.

As Silas drew closer, the stench of burned flesh choked the air. “I’m here, okay? I’m here.”

Lex’s voice wavered as he spoke. “I was going to get help, and this thing latched onto me like some leech.” Slowly, he held out his arm for Silas to see. The compass sat face up on the back of his palm. Its chains were so deeply embedded in his flesh they were hard to see. Dark red blood continued to spill from Lex’s wounds and ran down his fingertips in thin rivers. “Can you break it off?”

“I can’t,” Silas said somberly.

“What do you mean you can’t?” Lex looked at him with half-closed eyes.

“It’s cursed. After the compass perceives an offering of blood, it bonds to the wearer. It drains them of life as it leads them to parts of The Ravenous One’s soul. It only comes off if they manage to successfully destroy all the pieces of her soul and kill her before it kills them. It drains the wearer so rapidly; this all needs to be completed in a matter of days.”