Page 99 of From Frost to Flame

“He wouldn’t let us help,” Aurelian said, looking down submissively. “We tried to do as you asked, but he insisted on leaving.”

“I assumed as much. I’ll handle him,” Silas said, waving a hand in dismissal. “Just take the supplies to the suite please. I can finish things.”

“Handle me?” he repeated as the others left the room. “Why do I need to be handled?”

“For a whole host of reasons,” he teased, pulling a stool over to his bedside and examining his arm. “This needs a cast.”

“I drank your blood earlier. It’ll heal on its own soon enough,” he said, trying to ignore the searing pain that traveled down to his fingertips. “I’m so tired of being broken.”

“This arm was cursed, and I bit you while you were drained. We don’t know what the healing journey will look like for any of these wounds. We do know your arm will heal straighter if you get a cast on it.”

Lex groaned and wilted in defeat.

“Also, try to be patient with the pack. You’re their queen, and you’re mine.” He caressed his cheek lovingly. “It’s hard for them to see you hurt.”

“I’m trying.” He pouted. “Hey, why am I being called a queen, anyway? Julian’s been having far too much fun with the title.”

“It means you’re partnered with a king, that’s all. No matter the gender, the ruler is king and their partner is a queen. I knew you wouldn’t love it.”

“I’m unsure about it. I don’t hate it. Yet. Maybe it’ll grow on me.” He yawned as exhaustion from the day and blood loss took hold.

“I’ve been thinking about royal life, and I wanted to tell you something,” Silas said, placing a hand on his thigh.

“Okay,” Lex said slowly. Their connection made it impossible for Silas to hide anything, and Lex felt his anxiety swell like a wave. “What is it?”

“I’m going to leave my throne.”

“What?” He was stunned. “But...but they want you to stay.”

“I know, and I will.”

“I don’t think I understand.” Lex frowned. “How are you doing both?”

“I’ve ruled for over a hundred years. Some kings stay until they perish in battle, but I think in the next handful of years I will prepare to step down and find a new ruler. The pack is ready to move on to our next phase of life. Starting families and finding love is hard when you shoulder a kingdom. I’m not sure when I’ll go yet. We want to discuss it as a pack, but I wanted you to know that’s the plan. Whenever that time comes, we’ll factor in your family’s needs, too. We’ll pick a place we can all settle together.”

“Jules and Mora will like that. They’re growing fond of werewolves, thanks to Castor.”

“In the meantime, we have spare rooms in the eastern wing. A suite could be arranged to your family’s liking pretty easily. You can offer a permanent room to them so you three can stay close to each other. Only if you want, of course.”

“Really?” He shot up straighter and a sharp pain shot through all his limbs. “Ow! I hate this.”

“Don’t move so recklessly,” he said, chuckling. “But yes. I know they matter to you. We should try to be a familytogether. They can live here as long as they want and live with us whenever we say goodbye to the castle.”

“Thank you,” Lex said, taking Silas's hand in his and lacing their fingers together. “This means a lot to me.”

“Anything for you.” Silas pressed a kiss to his knuckles. “Now, I hear you don’t like it here, so how about I take you back to our room? I’ll finish fixing you up there and tuck you into our bed after. I can see you falling asleep as we talk.”

“I’d love that.” Lex’s heart swelled at the wordsour roomandour bed. “And I love you.”

Silas scooped him up in his arms and smiled down at him. “I love you too.”

Lex pulled him into a kiss that tasted of home and a thousand tomorrows. “Don’t you ever leave me again,” he whispered as he leaned into him. “Not ever.”

“Don’t worry. Until the stars burn out, I’m yours.”