Page 78 of From Frost to Flame

“I’m only there because of my mother, anyway.”

“You are there despite her,” Lex corrected. “Your last clan was cruel, but even for their time they were behind, right? I don’t see modern Orion people turning on their beloved king. I bet you could stay.”

“You are all I need,” Silas said, giving his thigh a squeeze. “The kingdom will have Vega and Castor. I trust them with whatever I leave behind.”

Despite what Silas said, the mourning in his heart spread through Lex’s chest. “Losing your mother, brother, and your entire pack isn’t right. You don’t deserve that much loss.”

“Grief is nothing new to me.”

“Please, consider trying to stay?” Lex pleaded. “I know you feel like I’m all you want right now, but I don’t want you giving everything up for me.”

“I’ll think about it.” Silas got to his feet. All the tentacles receded back into his body, and his eyes were back to gray. “We need to rinse off before we go. Come on. There’s a pool outside the tent.”

Lex could tell Silas was only humoring him but dropped the subject for now, hoping he’d come to his senses later.

Chapter Seventeen


They made their wayout of the tunnels back to the undulating sapphire sand. A dragon screeched as it flapped its wings high above them before disappearing into the dark space between the twinkling stars. Every few minutes, spiny black fins broke the surface of the sand, hinting at the life that was waking under their feet.

Silas held Lex’s hand and it was even harder not to stare at him now. Images of Lex post-sex haze on the blankets flashed through his mind.How long until I can see that again? Or see my cock between his lips?

“Your thoughts are still spilling over,” Lex whispered with a knowing smile. “I’m not sucking your dick in front of everyone.”

“Sorry.” His cheeks grew hot. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“I’m beginning to wonder if you were just always a pervert,” he teased. “You’re allowed to think all you want. I don’t mind. I will make fun of you, though.”

“I just need a distraction,” Silas mumbled. Julian and Mora started chatting away with Lex, and he didn’t want to interrupt. He was practicing sharing Lex with the world despite the Death Walker instincts whispering to keep Lex for himself. Instead, he turned his attention to his brother. “You’re more quiet than usual tonight. Are you feeling okay?”

“Not in the mood to talk,” he clipped.

Silas furrowed his brows. “What’s wrong?”
