I chew my lip as I stare at the floor, my cheeks radiating more heat than an active volcano. I’m too mortified to look up to find people watching us. Somehow, I always manage to draw unwanted attention to myself.
“You know I was more than capable of doing that,” I mumble.
Kayden’s eyes flick to mine with a playful smile on his lips. “After you casually dropped a glass of champagne?” His brow quirks, and I blink away the embarrassment. “I think not.”
“I’m not clumsy,” I huff as I stand up. “Just to clarify.”
When I look at him this time, he’s grinning at me with pearly white teeth. “I bet,” he exhales with a wink.
Everything in my mind glitches.
Why can’t I stop staring at him? He’s drawing me in, and I can’t help it.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” he asks, and my blood runs cold.
Someone set me on fire already.
He sweeps the last of the glass into the pan and empties it into the bin. I throw the tissues away and place my arms over my chest, stretching out the tension in my back.
“Like what?” I shrug cluelessly.
But I’m not clueless. I’m in denial.
Kayden smirks, and it’s not helping my situation. “You know what I’m talking about,” he rasps.
Goddammit. I’m the least subtle person ever.
He takes a confident step towards me, standing dangerously close. If he comes any closer, he’ll hear my rapid heartbeat. A glint of something flashes in his eyes as he looks down at me. I don’t want to have to crane my neck, but his height forces me to.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I murmur before running my tongue across my bottom lip.
“In a second, I’m sure you’re going to start droolin–”
“Oh, please,” I cut over him before he can finish that humiliating sentence. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
My mouth is crying out for a drop of water.Alcohol. More alcohol.
He laughs at my dramatic outburst, his face displaying pure amusement. “I’m joking, Kayleigh.”
There is something about the way he says my name that sends shivers down my spine. A bead of sweat trickles along my back, and I need some fresh air or something to distance myself from this tragic encounter.
My head aches. This isnothow I wanted this conversation to go.
Of course, it was a joke. I’m far too on edge to take part.
Kayden turns away from me, picks up a bottle of champagne, and pours me a fresh glass. “Here,” he says softly.
My lips wobble as I attempt to smile. “Thanks.”
Our fingers brush for a fraction of a second as I take it from him. I try to ignore the wave of excitement that rushes through me.
“I’ll catch you later,” he says and gives me a slow nod.
“Sure,” I whisper as he walks past.
The second he’s out of view, I place the flute to my lips and down the entire contents. The bubbles roar in my stomach, and the fizz bursts against my tongue, but it whips me backinto reality. My eyes water from the pressure, and I wipe at my mouth.
One might be enough…or seven.