As I walk into the kitchen, I spot Ava as she talks away with Lucy and her six-month-old baby, Albie, between her arms. Ava’s dark eyes cut to mine as I stroll towards the living room. “Hey, Kayden,” she says and smiles.

“What’s up, guys?”

Albie makes a little sound, which makes Ava physically melt at the sight. “Not a lot. Just talking about baby things,” Lucy responds, dragging her finger down the curve of his cheek.

“Riveting.” I laugh.

Ava’s phone vibrates on the counter, and she glances at it. “Oh, shoot,” she murmurs before leaving the kitchen to walk to the living room and back, this time with a book in her hands.

“What is it?” Lucy asks.

“Kayleigh left her university book here. She needs it for her essay.”

The sound of Kayleigh’s name has my ears perking. I flick my eyes from Ava chewing her lip and typing on her phone to the book in her hand. “Can’t she get another?”

“One-of-a-kind, apparently,” Ava murmurs. “She can’t collect it until the end of the week.”

“I’ll go drop it off,” I blurt out of nowhere.

Lucy and Ava both look at me. “You will?”

“Sure.” I shrug it off casually. “I’ve not got much going on today, and I was going to pop into town to see the district chief anyway. It’s practically on the way.”

“It’s like fifty miles past town.” Lucy raises a brow at me in confusion.

My shoulders rise again. “I don’t mind. If she needs it, I’m happy to drop it off.”

“Doesn’t Jaxon need you?” Ava tilts her head.

“Not right now,” I huff. “Says he needs some alone time to collate everything before he hands over duties to Bash and me, so I’ve got some free time.”

Ava’s eyes soften as she turns to look at me. “Kayden, you’re a lifesaver. Thank you. Thank you.”

“No problem,” I say as I take the book from her.

I’m not entirely sure if I imagined it or if I’m going batshit crazy, but a small zap of something shoots down my arm when I have it in my possession. My brows crease, but I quickly recover.

“I’ll text you the details.” She nods once.

I grab my keys and head out. “No worries.”

As soon as I’m in my car, I head towards Stonebridge. I pass town on the way, the little white lie of needing something completely blowing over my head. I might be stupid, but I know I wanted an excuse to see her.

It’s been four days, and I cannot get the blonde bombshell out of my damn mind. Those blue eyes have been haunting my dreams, and even though I can’t hear her thoughts miles away, the sound of her voice is imprinted into my brain.

Despite telling myself to stay away, I’ve gone against all logical thought. What’s wrong with saying hi?


I’m not the kind of man to get attached. I’m also not the kind of man to sleep around. It’s not in my nature. But there is something about Kayleigh that draws me in, tugging me into a black hole that I’ll never be able to resurface from.

The drive takes a little over an hour as I pull onto campus and head towards student accommodation. I park up and look at my phone to find the details Ava sent me. It would be handy to call Kayleigh, but I don’t have her number.

Ava would have told her I’m coming surely.

I jump out of my car and enter the building after a group of people come out. I head up the stairs and walk towards her numbered door before knocking and leaning on the edge of the wall.

The door swings open, and I stare down at Kayleigh with her blonde hair thrown up on top of her head. She’s wearing a tiny blue crop top and loose sweatpants that hang low on her hips, showing off her stomach and her pierced navel.