Page 124 of Bonding with the Beta

Every second I’m not there.

When I see her building in the far distance, I barely have a chance to rip my keys out and park before I race up to her dorm room. My feet move at double speed as I almost trip over myself.

I burst into her room, thanking the Goddess it wasn’t locked. My eyes take in the scene in front of me. Kayleigh’s quiet whimpers wrap around my sternum as I stare at the back of atall frame, shoving her into the wall aggressively. His vile hands roam her body.

My nostrils flare as I step forward as he says, “Why do you have to be such a bitch, Kayleigh? No one is going to want you. No one is going to stick around for you.”

I grab onto the back of his T-shirt, and within a second, I rip him from Kayleigh with only half my strength. He might be tall, but I’m taller. He stumbles into me as I shove him back against the opposite wall, my fists tightening into the collar of his top.

“I swear, if you ever touch her again, I will fucking kill you.” I seethe.

As I stare back into his bloodshot eyes, I don’t have to guess who he is. I recognise his face from around campus when Kayleigh pretended not to know who he was.

He flashes me a lazy grin as if he’s asking for trouble. “She begged me to come around. Don’t get it fool–”

Without giving him a chance to finish his sentence, I pull back my fist and punch him until blood splatters against the wall. The sound of bone crunches beneath my knuckles, and the rush through my body is blissful.

Before he has time to recover, I throttle him with his own collar and push him even further back. His head hits the brick wall, and his face turns sickly pale due to the lack of oxygen.

I’d happily let him die.

I’ve killed men before.

Yet I haven’t killed someone who touched what’s mine.

Maybe it’s time to change that.

“I dare you to say another fucking word, you piece of shit,” I spit in his face.

He struggles against my hold, most likely amazed at the strength I have against him. I wait for him to say something stupid so I can punch him again and again but he doesn’t reply. Coward.

“If you even look at my girl again, I will fucking rip you limb from limb.” I slam him against the wall again, his head smashing into the bricks. “Do you understand me?”

He groans in pain. He better be in pain. He touched her.

He. Fucking. Touched. Her.

Goddess, I want to tear him apart.

Anger bubbles through my veins, and I punch him again, blood trickling down his face and over his chin. His eyes are now partially closed, and I release him before I get carried away.

“Do youfuckingunderstand me?”

“Yes,” he chokes.

He scrambles out of the door, not looking back once.

I twist my head to Kayleigh, who is trembling across the room. Her eyes are damp from tears that have stained her cheeks. I cradle her face in my hands and give her a quick once-over, looking for anywhere he could have hurt her.

If he had, I wouldn’t hesitate to drag him back here and finish the job.

“Did he hurt you?” I demand, her blue eyes watching me, and I notice a glimmer of relief in them. “Kayleigh, I need you to tell me if he hurt you.”

She shakes her head. “N-no, he just scared me.”

I wrap my arms around her. She buries her face into my chest, and I press a kiss to the crown of her head. My hand gently smooths over her back, and I hold her tight.

All I want her to know is I would do anything and everything to protect her.