Hitting submit on your final piece for the term is an unbeatable feeling.
Evie and I decided we had to celebrate our hard work and freedom from university for two whole weeks.
We could have gone out onto campus to find a party, but I wanted to spend the night in with my best friend.
Earlier, we went out to find the cheapest bottles of wine and decided to crash in my dorm room with music blasting. Evie dances with a straw hanging out the top of the bottle with a grin.
“I’m going to miss you when I go back home.” She pouts.
“Me, too.” I nod. “But it won’t be for long.”
Evie takes a sip of her drink. “Are your parents going to be angry that you didn’t go home?”
I shake my head. “They’ll see me over summer anyway. I’m happy to be spending it with Kayden.”
“Kayden, huh?” She fights a grin. “Things are getting pretty serious.”
“Well…” I trail off. “He is my boyfriend, after all.”
Evie’s eyes light up, and she squeals, rushing towards me before wrapping her arms around me. “Oh, that’s amazing. I’mso happy for you, Kay. I can’t believe I haven’t met him. I must, soon. I need to make sure he’s good enough for you.”
I snort. “Trust me, he’s more than good. He’s perfect.”
She sinks onto the bed beside me. “You really like him?”
“More than that,” I whisper. “It’s like when we’re together, nothing else matters. What we have is so different from what I had with Josh. He’s literally the opposite of Josh. I really don’t know what I did to deserve him and his kindness.”
Evie shrugs once. “You didn’t have to do anything to deserve it,” she starts. “You just do. Everyone deserves happiness, and I’m glad Kayden is helping you find that.”
“He is.” I smile. “Slowly. I know I’ve still got a long way to go in my self-love journey, but he’s there for every step and wobble.”
She tilts her head slowly, and her eyes soften. “I’m glad.”
I slump back against my bed as Evie rubs her stomach and groans. “Ugh. This wine is literally making my stomach churn. I don’t think I can drink it anymore.”
“We’ve been going for hours,” I say and chuckle.
“I might head back,” she says. “My parents are coming to pick me up early tomorrow, and I really don’t want a hangover for the journey.”
I push myself up from the bed and wrap my arms around her. “Yeah, don’t do that to yourself.”
“I had the best time, though.”
“Me, too. I hope you enjoy going home.”
“I hope you enjoy your lover boy.” She smirks at me as she pulls away.
Evie collects her things before waving at me and heading towards the door. “Hey…” I call out before she leaves.
Her dark eyes turn back to me. “Thank you,” I exhale. “Thank you for being there for me this year. I know I’ve been hard work and a bad friend, but thank you for never giving up on me.”
She shakes her head and laughs. “Go to bed, you soppy mess.” She flashes me a quick grin. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” I mumble.
“See you next term,” she says as she steps out into the hall. “Text me, okay?”