“Alright, let’s laugh at the pregnant woman.”

“It’s so good to see you, Ava.”

“Trust me, I know. I’m glad we live close, and we can see each other all the time. Even with the baby here, I’m not going to let you slip through my fingers again.” She points her index finger at me. “How’s university going anyway?”

My shoulders dip at the question. “It’s going okay. I feel like I’m constantly drowning in work, essays, and books. It’s really tough. I feel like students don’t get enough credit sometimes.”

“You’re so intelligent, Kay. I don’t doubt for one second that you won’t come out of uni with an amazing grade,” Ava says sincerely, and it washes my sternum with pride. I know I’m smart, but being amongst other super intelligent students humbles you fast.

I tilt my head slowly. “Thanks, but sometimes it’s hard to convince myself of that.”

“Remember all those times you used to help me do homework for Mr Hudson’s class, and he would always know that you had done it?” She laughs, and I smile along with her at the vivid memory. “We used to play it off that great minds think alike, but no. I was dumb as hell.”

“I might have saved your ass one too many times in school,” I shoot her a knowing look, “but you were not dumb. Blame my parents for forcing me into homework clubs, tutoring, and extra classes. It made me brain dead.”

Ava’s laugh echoes around us. “Yeah, you defo saved me when I didn’t deserve it. But what are best friends for, huh?”

“Exactly.” My eyes sparkle at her. “Now, I’ve got you back. You’re not going anywhere.”



When we get back to their house, Jaxon is waiting for us in the kitchen.

“Hey, baby.” He glances up from the counter and walks towards us. I step back as he quickly kisses her lips and then places a hand on her stomach. “How are you?”

Ava’s cheeks are a little tinted from the sun as she smiles up at him. “Yeah, good,” she exhales. “We had a great time at the lake. It was nice to get out of the house.”

“You drank enough water today?”

Her eyes roll. “Yes. I’m fine. Baby’s fine. Everything is fine.”

Jaxon’s gaze roams her face for a long moment before nodding and pulling away. “Did you enjoy the lake, Kayleigh?”

“Yeah.” I nod. “It’s beautiful out there. Your home and land are honestly incredible.”

He steps away to grab two glasses and fills them with water. “It’s perfect this time of year.”

“Thanks.” Ava smiles, and I take a glass, drinking half to quench my thirst from the sun. “I’m excited to take the baby out there when she’s here. I can’t wait.”

Jaxon kisses her head. “Me, too.”

His phone vibrates on the side, and he walks over to retrieve it. “Oh, fuck,” he murmurs.

Ava visibly tenses beside me. “What?”

Jaxon shakes his head to calm her sudden spike in anxiety. “I totally forgot about the reservation we had tonight.”

Her eyes go wide in realisation. “Oh, how did we forget?”

“We’ve had a lot going on,” he sighs.

“We’re going to have to cancel.” She nibbles on her lips. “This is my weekend with Kayleigh. It’s not fair on her.”

I instantly wave my hands. “No. No. You guys go! Don’t worry about me. We already went out today, and I’m here until tomorrow. Don’t cancel.”

Ava turns to me with a look of apprehension. “But I feel so bad. We can do it another time.”