“What? It’s an incredible movie.”

“If you say so.”

I gawk at her. “You didn’t like it?”

“Found it boring.”

“Are you serious?”


“I’m going to pull up here, and I’m going to ask you to get out of my car,” I say playfully.

Kayleigh stares at me. “Yeah, sure. I’ll hitchhike back to campus.”

The thought of her hitchhiking with a stranger leaves a sour taste in my mouth. A wave of protectiveness catches me by surprise, and there is no protest from my wolf. “Hell no, blondie. It’s fine. We can agree to disagree.”

After another ten minutes, we pull into the car park at her accommodation. She unbuckles her seatbelt and smiles. “Thanks for the lift. I really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. What time is your class?”

“Not until four o’clock,” she says before checking the time on her phone.

It’s just past midday.

“Plenty of time then.”

Kayleigh’s eyes roam my body as she pops open the car door but hesitates before getting out.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Do you want to grab some lunch before you head back? It’s on me. It’s the least I can do for your kindness that I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve.” Her voice shakes a little.

I try not to let the surprise show on my face. “Yeah.” I turn off the engine. “Sounds like a plan.”

Kayleigh’s chest relaxes. “Okay. Cool.”

She steps out of the car as I grab onto her wrist, and she whips around to face me. “You owe me five pounds, too,” I whisper with a wink. “I didn’t laugh.”

“Fine.” She places a hand on her hip. “How about lunch, and then I treat you to an overpriced ice cream after?”

“Mm.” I grin. “Deal.”



“What do you reckon Ava and Jaxon will call the baby?” I ask as I press my mozzarella and tomato panini to my lips.

Kayden hums as he chews. “That’s tough. Something out there like Flower or Ocean.”

I snort as I take a bite, and then cover my mouth and swallow. “Flower?” I pause. “Wow.”

He shrugs. “I wouldn’t put it past them. I bet they want to be quirky and cool parents with a kid with an unusual name.”

“Definitely not. It’ll be something classic like Merlyn or Elizabeth,” I state.

“Doubt it.” Kayden shakes his head.