I slump my bag on the floor along with everything else. If this doesn’t sum up my mood, I don’t know what does. I get to work and shove shoes into boxes and clothes on hangers before flopping down on my half-made bed.
My phone buzzes again and again until my stomach drops. But it can’t be Josh, not after I’ve blocked him. It feels like a damn relief not to worry about that asshat anymore.
Hey, are you back yet?
I’m so stuck on that essay for Harvey’s class
I need help
My best friend's messages make me laugh. We’ve been stuck by each other's sides since our first year. Now, I can’t get rid of her. She’s pretty much my only real friend here. It sounds sadbecause they always say university is where you make pals for life. But after Josh and I broke up, I lost all the friends we had made together.
But I would take Evie over any of them any day.
I’d rather have one amazing friend than a bunch of fake friends who don’t care about me.
Yeah, I’m back now!
Come over to my room. We can work together. I’ve only just started, but I know I’m going to struggle big time.
Oh, thank God.
On my way!
While I wait for Evie to show up, I power up my laptop and grab my books I borrowed from the library before laying them out across my bed. A knock at my bedroom door has my head whipping to the sound. I jump off my bed and open my door to be met with Evie and the brightest smile I’ve ever seen.
“Hey.” She opens her arm to bundle me into a hug.
I open my arms as she steps into me, her small frame tucking under my chin, and her shoulder-length black hair tickling my neck. “Hey,” I murmur before releasing her and shutting the door.
Evie makes herself at home by catapulting herself onto my bed, my books dangerously close to the edge. “Ugh, I’d rather stick pins in my eyes than write this essay,” she pouts.
A small laugh passes my lips. “Don’t I know it?” I sigh before perching on the edge of the bed beside her.
Evie watches me intently as I grab my laptop and focus on the essay I’ve barely started. Her eyes bore into the side of my head, and I glance over at her. “What?”
She leans forward to inspect me, and I pull back with furrowed brows.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Her pink manicured fingernail points directly at my face, and she pins me with an accusing stare. “You’ve done the dirty.”
My eyes stretch at her words. “W-what?” I scoff. “Of course, I haven’t.”
“Don’t lie to me,” she continues to point as if I’m a school kid in trouble.
I purse my lips and flick my gaze between her dark brown eyes. I gulp. I told her I was going to focus on myself. “Fine,” I exhale. It’s impossible keeping things from her when she can read me like a damn book. “I did bits with some guy. It wasn’t much.”
Evie sighs, and I know exactly what that means. “Kayleigh, I’m not sure this is the way to deal with everything after Josh. You told me a few weeks ago that you’re going to focus on yourself and your own happiness. Not getting under someone else.”
I groan. “Please don’t say his name.”