“You okay?”
I nod.
I want nothing more than to wrap my arms around his neck and taste his lips after what feels like years of not having him. But it’s only been two months.
It feels like a lifetime.
Kayden guides me to his car and helps me into the seat before buckling me up. I watch him with awe. It’s a simple gesture, but it’s so damn hot that my cheeks begin to bloom.
The drive back to campus is quiet, except for the soft music playing. As soon as we pull up, we head towards my dorm room as I fumble with my keys and almost trip over my own feet in the process.
He doesn’t come in. He stands by the door.
I frown as I look back at him.
God. My eyes almost burst into flames at how undeniably handsome he is.
“What’s the matter?” I ask with a slur.
“Nothing.” He shakes his head. “I just?—”
I walk back towards him and wrap my arms around his neck, this time having zero control. He releases a low groan and holds onto my waist gently. I breathe through my nose as I press onto my toes, our mouths inches from one another.
“Wait, Kayleigh.” He pulls back. “You’re drunk.”
“Does that matter?”
Kayden’s brows push together. “It always matters.”
“But I want to kiss you,” I blurt.
His jaw tenses. “And I want you to kiss me when you’re sober, not when you’ve been influenced by alcohol. I need to know that what you’re feeling is real.”
“It is real.” I nod. “It’s always been real.”
“Not like this, blondie,” he says, removing my hands from his neck.
An ache grows in my chest as I step back. “Right.”
I turn my back on him and start to remove my clothes before finding my pyjamas and throwing them on. I glance over my shoulder to find him still standing by the door.
“Are you going to come in at least and cuddle me?” I ask.
Kayden looks down with a quick smile. “I suppose we can do that.”
After taking off my makeup and crawling into bed, Kayden removes his clothes and slips in beside me. I lean over to turn off my light at the same time I feel his large arm wrap around my waist and tug me towards him.
Within seconds, I feel at home in his arms, with his warmth.
My head buries into the pillow, and the smile on my face doesn’t disappear, even when I finally fall asleep.
Astreak of light brushes across my face, and I grimace at the brightness. I flinch, but a large arm wrapped around my abdomen stops me from moving. My eyes crack open, and I blink down at my body closely tugged against another.
I glance over my shoulder to find a shirtless, sleeping Kayden.