Kayden steps back and reaches for his blazer hanging up in his wardrobe. “Yeah, we’re trying our hardest to help them settle into their new life. It’s what this district did for us, and we want to return the favour. Jaxon gave me the role of helping them out, and it’s important to me, so I’m taking it as seriously as possible.”
“Aww.” I grin as he meets me by the door. “You guys are sweet. You’re a good Beta. They’re all very lucky to have you.”
He chuckles softly. “I try to be. Do you remember the extra training sessions I’ve been doing with those who need the support?”
I nod. “Yeah, you’re helping them to build confidence, right?”
“Yeah, well, I’ve been thinking about doing other sessions to help different people.”
“Like what?”
“Self-defence for women,” I start. “Mobility for our older wolves. Beginner classes for children. I want to include everyone in what I’m doing and see if I can help in any way.”
My eyes soften as he speaks. My selfless man wanting the best for everyone.
“You should,” I encourage him. “If it’s something you’re passionate about, then you should do it. I know how much this job and the pack mean to you.”
“Yeah,” he rasps. “I’ve been thinking about it since Jaxon’s taken a lot of his duties back now Aurora is a little older, and I have the time, but?—”
I take his hand, giving it a supportive squeeze. “What are you worried about?”
“Overloading myself and balancing my time, especially with you.”
“Well,” I lean in to kiss him, “I’m more than happy to spend more time here at the house. I’d love to see you in action. I’d loveto see what you do best. I’d also like to help where I can. This is your life, and I want to be involved as much as possible.”
Kayden’s eyes glimmer for a moment as he studies me. “Yeah?” he murmurs against my lips. “You want to be involved?”
“Yes.” I grin. “I’d really, really like that. If you’d want me to.”
“Of course.” He wraps an arm around my waist and tugs me closer. “There’s nothing I’d want more.”
“Okay. Then that’s settled.”
Our fingers thread through each other’s as we head downstairs to where Ava, Jaxon, Lucy, and Sebastian are waiting with their children. Aurora looks adorable in her pink dress and flower crown. My heart clenches at the sight of her.
“Ahhhh.” Ava claps her hands together. “There they are.”
I wave a hand at the room, walk over to see Aurora in Jaxon’s arms, and run the edge of my finger over her cheek as she flashes me a gummy smile. “So beautiful.”
“The ceremony will be close family only,” Ava says as she grabs her bag. “And then the party afterwards will be with everyone else.”
Kayden nods. “Sounds good to me.”
“Let’s go,” Jaxon says sternly. “We don’t wanna be late.”
The ceremony was beautiful,and I only cried twice. It’s a miracle it wasn’t more.
The best part? Having Kayden there beside me every step of the way.
We’re Aurora’s Goddessparents, and it warms my heart in more ways than I can understand. The room was filled with love for that little girl, and I’m so blessed to have that bundle of joy in my life.
I will support her and be there for her in any way I can. Those are the promises I made today, and I refuse to break them.
When we reach the grand hall for Aurora’s party, I’m floored by the turnout. I underestimated how many people were in their pack and more.
At some point, I lose Kayden, and I find myself at the bar.
The hairs on the back of my neck stand when I turn to find a blond boy perched at the counter beside me. I’ve seen him around briefly before, but I’ve never fully introduced myself.