There was a sigh. "Ms. Conway." The irritation in Gladys's voice transmitted across the phone. "We provide a variety of talent to our clients. Whatever needs they express, we find a way to meet and exceed them. Your information stated that you have experience with young children. Is that not the case? If there is a problem or any doubt about your ability to perform, then we can remove your file from our roster."

"No, there's no problem! I mean, I'm just surprised at the assignment. It's so sudden. When and where do you need me?" I hadn't lied in my interview. Not exactly. I only omitted the part where my experience was babysitting my seven-year-old cousin during family get-togethers on Thanksgivings and Christmases.

"The client, Mr. Wulfthorn has requested your presence at Wulfthorn Baked Goods Corporation for an initial interview. You will be caring for a four-year-old girl, Emilia Wulfthorn. She's very well-behaved, but her guardian needs someone to look after her while he is at work. The term of the contract is for one year, and you will receive compensation of one hundred thousand dollars."

I stared wide-eyed at Katie in shock at the amount. Wow, she mouthed silently.

"Ms. Conway, I must warn you, Mr. Wulfthorn is one of our most demanding clients. If you want the job, you will need to be at his office by 2 PM on the dot. Will this be a problem?"

Katie picked up her phone and flashed the screen at me. Shit. It was already 12:30. How was I going to clean up and get there in time? Katie nodded her head frantically.

"Take it," she whispered.

"I'll be there," I blurted.

"Excellent. If your interview goes well today, I will send you the contract and documents to be signed. Best of luck, Ms. Conway."

I stared at the phone in shock as the call ended.

My eyes met Katie's. "Holy shit!" we shouted.

She wrapped her arms around me, and we jumped in excitement. "I can't believe you got a job!"

"Well, it's not a job yet, unless I can get across town at the speed of light," I said.

"Go," Katie ordered. She grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me in the direction of the bathroom. "I'll find something for you to wear. You get cleaned up."

"I need shoes too!" I shouted. Thankfully, the two of us shared the same size.

Katie was already rummaging through her closet by the time I stripped out of my clothes. I wet a washcloth and swabbed my chest where most of the coffee had landed and soaked through my shirt.

She came into the bathroom and shoved a chunky dark gray knit sweater and light gray pants in my direction. On the floor, she placed a pair of tawny-colored loafers. "It's not the latest in fashion, but it's professional. You know how these corporate places can be."

I shrugged on the clothes and while I got dressed, Katie tapped away at her phone. "Wow, listen to this."

"I'm listening," I grunted as I pulled the sweater over my head.

"Your boss is the youngest founder of a food empire worth over ten billion dollars. He started his first bakery in Huntington Harbor at the age of twenty-two and by the time he was twenty-nine, expanded his chain of bakeries to over thirty countries."

As she filled me in on the guy I was going to be working for, I finger combed my hair into a somewhat presentable state. Frizzy strands stood up in a halo around my head, but that was unavoidable with all the humidity from the rain. I pushed my glasses back up my nose with my finger.

"I wonder what he looks like?" Katie scrolled on her phone and frowned. "Strange. I can't find a single picture of this dude. Shit, you've got to go. It's 12:45 already. The next bus is at 12:50."

"Fuck!" I ran out to the living room to grab my phone and keys before flying out the door.

"Good luck. Try not to sleep with your billionaire boss on the first day," Katie's voice called out as I ran down the street to the bus stop.

As if that was ever going to happen.

Chapter 2


"Not now!" I snarled. As soon as the elevator doors opened, my assistant, Anna, jumped to her feet. She rushed to the other side of her desk as soon as she saw me. The entire top floor was my executive suite consisting of a waiting room, meeting room, and my own private office. I stormed through the waiting room, brushed past Anna on my way to my office, and slammed the door behind me.

A part of me winced at how much of an asshole I was to her, but it didn't matter. Putting up with me was part of her job, and she was compensated handsomely for it.

"What the fuck happened to you, dude?" Reeve Song, my best friend and lifelong business partner looked at me from where he stood at the giant window overlooking the city below. Reeve was like a brother to me, and we were part of the same wolf pack. If any other person intruded on my personal domain like this, I would have ripped their head off. He was the only person in the world I trusted besides my kin.