After they spin her in Wyatt's lap, he sinks his cock into her ass with little resistance. She sucks in a satisfied sigh.
Marcus leans down for a kiss before he backs away and raises both eyebrows at me. I need no other invitation, stepping between her thighs. She's so wet, clamping down on me as I seat myself deep.
Her back arches as she rides both our cocks to their full depths. The bra scarcely containing her cuts into her breasts, begging me to free them.
I reach around her back and unclasp the bra, making her rotate her hips again as she murmurs her approval. Hard nipples pop free, begging for my touch.
We're both merely nudging her, leaving her full with little friction. And God, the strength of her core as she squeezes me, urges me to take her—it's mind-blowing.
I give in, moving my hips as I play with her nipples, brushing and plucking at them lightly.
Wyatt thrusts under her, and she settles her writhing, taking from us instead, giving in to our whims. She's too far gone to keep searching for what she needs on her own. We're more than happy to provide her with…well…everything.
It doesn't take long to have her on the brink of the orgasm she missed. She's mewling low, shaking, and so wet that every thrust echoes under the vaulted ceiling.
Marcus is enraptured, back in his seat with a washcloth around his cock. Considerate, since I know what he's thinking—her mouth is free. He's zoned in on her and the pleasure written in her features.
It's hard not to get sucked into how responsive she is, how open she can be, how willing to have a little fun. Fuck, does she know it's more than a little fun for us? All of us?
I want her tucked under me, over me, into me, all the fucking time.
Touching her becomes a blur of need and pleasure—mostly hers. We shift her often to keep her muscles from cramping, from hurting until I've finally got her under me in front of the fire, spread out on the soft, warm rug.
We'll have to be more careful with her in the future, not so demanding with all of us at once, but the way she murmurs into my neck as I nuzzle her, body sliding over hers in mere inches shows she loves it. I've slowed everything down between us.
And those old feelings—ones I've hidden away for far too long—resurface when her knees squeeze my ribs, when her hand sinks into my hair, and her mouth opens to my demanding kiss. Even in our gentlest moments, I can't fight the instinct to claim her.
I can't let her go again. It'll break me.
Her head tilts back to peer up at me, into me. Bella brushes her fingertips over my cheekbones. She's softer than she was last night. More open. And I think she's finally started to forgive me. Forgive my stupid mistake—one of the biggest mistakes of my life, thinking I could live any kind of life without her.
Lowering to brush a kiss across her mouth, I make her every promise possible in that exchange. Because I've missed her.
Her knees squeeze me again, and I realize I've lost my rhythm. When I pull back, she's giving me a small smile, that version of her from eight years ago flashing in her eyes before it's gone again.
I push up to my hands, hovering over her and rolling my hips in a new cadence.
Her pupils blow wide as I hit that spot deep in her core that will make her toes curl. Bella runs her hands down my broken flesh, following the lines of scars littering my skin. She doesn't seem to mind the way my body has changed, doesn't ask the questions I don't want to give answers to.
Instead, she tips her head up and peers down our bodies, and the heat in her gaze has me looking, too. The way our bodies fit together is the hottest sight. I don't think I'll ever get past the sight of my cock filling her, spreading her open. The way her skin is bright and glowing from multiple orgasms. The pink flash of heat and wet responses of her pussy. How her muscles clench as she lifts her hips in the smallest movement to make everything feel ten times better.
When her attention lifts back to me, I dig in deeper, ready to make her fall apart again. Her fingers latch onto my flanks, and I drop closer, back to my elbows. I smooth the damp hair from her forehead and whisper to her.
"Fuck, Bella. You're the most beautiful thing in this world. The most precious." I wish I still had access to the sweet and tender words I'd spilled all over her when we first got together, but that version of me has died so many times over. So, instead, I try to show her with touches, pleasure, orgasms. Maybe not my best love language, but it's the one I have access to at the moment.
I hug her closer to me as she starts to shake beneath me. My mouth whispers over her skin, saying all the things I wish I couldsay to her right now, even though the jumble of emotions in my chest is so twisted that I can't properly begin to untangle them.
All I know is that Bella is at the center of my heart. She made herself a home there so long ago, and as many cobwebs as have grown in the corners and over the fixtures, she's relit a fire in the hearth.
I try not to let the fear of the future stop me a second time.
Seeking her mouth with mine, I kiss her hard before relenting to her end. I'm ready to watch her come apart, then help put her back together to do it all over again. Jerking, Bella stiffens under me, and I hammer myself into her cresting orgasm—short, hard, rough, everything that will amplify her pleasure.
She grows limp beneath me, and I slow, almost stopping as I plant kisses down her jaw and throat as she chuckles with exhaustion.
Pulling out of her, I roll us both onto our sides and slide behind her, mouth traveling across the new expanse of skin available to me. She sighs and relaxes back against me, even as I coax my cock back into her.
"Think you can handle one more? Long enough for me to come with you?"