Aiden,Seabass, and I had spent the last three hours trying to find a connection between our blue orchid buyers and the attendant at the gas station.
I had almost given up when one of the addresses stood out to me. I had seen it before, but it wasn’t one of our guy’s last known addresses. After a little more digging, I finally figured out the connection.
“Got him.” My voice echoed loudly around the open space.
Aiden pushed his chair back and sidled up next to me. “Show me.”
I pointed to my computer screen. “His mother used to live in South Carolina. He had them sent there.”
He had two orders of the blue lady orchids sent there, actually. One a few years ago and another one not long before he moved to Half Moon Lake last year.
“Call the gas station manager and see if Brian is working right now. We’ll pick him up and bring him in for questioning.”
“On it,” I said, picking up the phone.
The manager informed me that Brian was not working today but that he had switched shifts with someone and was more than willing to inquire as to why. Apparently, Brian had switched so he could attend a flower and garden show in Asheville.
Dammit. That would be our fucking luck.
This had to be our guy. But to find him in a crowd of people in a city almost an hour away would be difficult.
“I’ll get in touch with my contact in Asheville,” Aiden said. “See if they can offer us assistance with picking him up so we can question him.”
The more help we had, the smoother this would go anyway.
“Sounds good.” Honestly, we probably had enough to make an arrest, but first we needed to know whether he had an alibi for the night Hattie had been followed. “Just let me know when you’re ready to roll out.”
“Nope.” Aiden shook his head. “You’re staying here.”
My gut dropped. “What?”
Like hell I was. I wanted to look this asshole in the eye and see what he had to say. So why the fuck would I stay here?
“You’re too close to this.” His expression was firm, all business. “You stay and watch Hattie.”
I shook my head. No way would I miss the opportunity to be the one to slap the cuffs on this asshole.
“You’re involved, and that can affect your ability to think rationally. Or are you going to try to tell me you’re not sleeping with her?”
I locked my jaw. Fuck. I couldn’t outright lie to him.
He scoffed. “That’s what I thought.”
My phone buzzed on my desk, displaying a text notification.
“I’ll talk to the captain, and then I’ll call my contact.” Aiden turned and headed for Captain’s office.
With a huff, I picked up my phone and opened the messages app.
Hattie: Hey, the girls want to know if we could meet at Mamacitas tonight.
Me: Not until we get this guy. Which I’m hoping will be in a few hours.
Hattie: Really? Then we should be fine tonight, right?
Me: I still don’t like it. Not until we officially have him in custody.
Hattie. Fine. Brittney will pick Savannah and me up from work tonight. Can we come back to your place to hang out?