Sarah: oh, lol.
Sarah: Tina said she thought it was ridiculous how many guys Dylan had gathered around the house today while Hattie visited. Until, that is, she saw the way he was looking at our Hattie the whole time. Then it all made sense.
Sarah: She definitely thinks they’re banging, plus more.
Savannah: I knew it!
Brittney: Does Rhett know yet? Because Jackson saw you two at The Dock last week, and he isn’t buying the whole “it’s only for show to lure the stalker out” business.
Kelly: GIF of someone eating popcorn
Rachel: GIF asking anyone there
Cece: GIF of crickets chirping
Savannah: GIF of skeleton tapping fingers
Brittney: Titanic GIF of Rose saying it’s been 84 years
Savannah: I’ll get it out of her tomorrow at work.
Me: You guys are ridiculous. But fine. Yes, the sex is amazing. Beyond amazing. He is perfect. I’m hanging out with Ashley and Bella tomorrow night while Dylan hangs with Rhett and Jackson. He mentioned telling him then, so please keep this to yourselves.
Rachel: I’m shook. Totally didn’t think she’d tell us.
Savannah: Wait, why wasn’t I invited to hang out tomorrow night? Bitches.
Brittney: That’s your takeaway?
Savannah: Yup. I already knew they were banging.
Me: Talk to Ashley. She’s the one who invited us over.
Rachel: Another one bites the dust. Soon we’re going to have to change our thread’s name.
Savannah: I’m never settling down, so I’ll be the only single lady left.
Rachel. At this point, I might settle for being a crazy cat lady.
Me: Turning off my notifications and climbing into bed with my sexy detective. Good night, bitches.
Chapter Thirty
“We should stopat the gas station and grab a six-pack,” Dylan said as he rested his hand on my thigh.
The last two days had been a strange combination of perfect and difficult. Yesterday Dylan had moved heaven and earth so I could visit with Kyle, Tina, and the kids. Including my adorable new niece, Emma.
“Jackson probably has beer.” I glanced over at him, watching the way the lights from the road illuminated his face in the darkened car every few seconds.
Although he was working an absurd number of hours to solve this case, we’d made sure to communicate clearly and often, and things had been great. I missed him terribly, but I would never hold that against him.
And now it felt like we were going on a double date, or maybe a triple date? Although technically it wasn’t, since we hadn’t gone public yet. Dylan hoped he could rectify that tonight, starting with telling Rhett. With any luck, having Jackson there as well would help keep Rhett from being unreasonable.
He raised an eyebrow at me. “He’ll have liquor or craft beer. He never has light beer.”