Page 27 of Bravely Yours

We all groaned in unison. Yes, we’d heard this story at least a dozen times. I was grateful for the change of topic, but I wasn’t sure one of my dad’s stories was any better. Even if it was one of my favorites.

“A bunch of men who run into burning buildings every day afraid of a snake.” My dad shook his head, chuckling. “In fairness, not being able to see more than a foot in front of us made us all jumpy any time we saw movement.”

Sarah cringed but was totally engrossed in the story.

After he’d finished, he launched into question after question about how Angie’s last year of college was going. She was getting a BS in computer engineering and had already applied for several internships in Asheville.

“Everyone ready for cake?” my mom asked.

“Is that even a question?” My dad tilted his head with a smirk plastered on his face. “I’m always ready for cake.”

I took the cue that our dinner dishes needed to be cleared and leaned over to whisper in Sarah’s ear. “You good?”

She nodded and then sent me a smile.

Standing, I started to collect our plates, and as I headed for the kitchen, my mom handed Nora back to Izzy and followed me.

I rinsed dishes and loaded the dishwasher while my mom got out a serving tray and placed it on the marble countertop next to me.

“Sarah’s great.” She dropped the forks onto the tray, opened the cabinet in front of her, and pulled out a handful of small plates.

“I know.” If there was a but to her statement, I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear it.

In my periphery, she paused, studying me, until I gave in and turned to face her.

She sighed. “I can tell you care about her, and I’m thrilled you found someone. But just don’t rush things.”

“I’m not.” I locked my jaw, thinking about Izzy’s comment earlier. “I’m not giving up my apartment and moving in with her.”Not yet, at least.

“You tend to dive headfirst into things. Just remember that there’s a child involved, and it’s only been a month. It’s important to be sure before you make any big decisions.”

I was sure of my feelings for Sarah. But I got what my mom was saying. Sarah still had her doubts, or rather, insecurities, and she had a lot on her plate with the whole Drew situation. So I had no plans to rush her into something she wasn’t ready for. I also understood what a commitment of any kind would mean. For Sarah, for Nora, even for me.

I nodded. “Roger that.”

She smiled at the words my dad and I always used to let her know we heard her and understood.

A few minutes later, I took my seat next to Sarah. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer, pressing my lips to her temple.

I tried my hardest throughout the rest of the night and on the drive back home to not overthink what my mom had said. But I failed. Was I rushing into things?

All I knew was that lying in bed with Sarah in my arms later that night felt like the surest thing I’d ever known.

Chapter Eighteen


“Maybe I need two.”I organized the last of the tools into their spot in the compartment on the side of the firetruck before turning back to Owen. I’d promised my mom I wouldn’t rush things with Sarah, but I also refused to sit around and do nothing about the Drew issue. “One for her and one for me.”

“Huh?” Owen’s brows pulled together as he added supplies to one of the drawers.

“It isn’t like I can log into her app.” That was going alittle too far. As my mom had pointed out, it had only been a month. Sarah probably wouldn’t be ready to give me access to a security camera. “That would be weird. I’ll have to point my camera at her door.”

Easy solution. I’d install one, but make sure it’s aimed at her door. Since I couldn’t be with them all the time, I needed to do something to protect them. I needed to make sure they were both safe.

“Dude, that’s kinda stalkery too.” He chuckled.

“Are you kidding me?” I huffed. “I need to do something. Wouldn’t you do the same if it were Cece?”