Page 25 of Bravely Yours

With a nod, I closed my eyes, relaxing deeper into his hold. This was the first time I’d felt truly safe and protected in the last three years.

Hope bloomed in my chest, and I prayed it wouldn’t be ripped away from me once again.

Chapter Seventeen


Izzy: Are you really bringing a girl home with you today?

Angie: I’ll believe it when I see it.

I wasn’tsure why they were acting surprised. Both had met a few of the girls I’d dated over the years.

Movement from next to me on the sofa had me glancing that way and smiling. Nora was asleep, though she wasshifting, lashes fluttering. With a shake of my head, I typed out a quick reply.

Me: What’s with the dramatics? You guys have met plenty of the girls I’ve dated.

Izzy: Yeah. But not on purpose, and you’ve never brought one home.

Angie: Exactly. I only met that awful girl you dated last year because my car broke down and you brought her with you to pick me up. She bitched the entire ride about having to cut your date short.

I cringed.That relationship, if you could even call it that, didn’t last much past that night.

As I was locking my phone—because there was no good way to respond to that last text—Sarah stepped into my line of sight. I looked up and took her in, my breath lodging in my throat. Like it did almost any time she entered a room.

“How’s this?” She smoothed her hands down a navy dress that ended just above her knees.

“Perfect.” I smirked.

She’d changed three times, clearly nervous. But her hair was now curled, and she’d applied makeup, so I hoped that meant she was almost ready. We were celebrating Dad’s birthday, and I didn’t want to be late.

More than that, though, I wanted Sarah to feel comfortable, so I wouldn’t rush her out the door until she felt she was ready.

She blew out a harsh breath. “That’s what you said about the jeans and sweater.”

I nodded. “That was perfect too.” I stood and peered down at Nora, who was still fast asleep on the couch, then approached Sarah and cupped her face. “Whatever you wear is perfect. You look gorgeous in either option, and I have no doubt my family will love you regardless of what you wear. Stop stressing.”

She worried her lip and dropped her focus to my chest. “I don’t have the best track record with this.”

I wasn’t sure exactly what she meant, but I got the idea.

“Maybe you weren’t with the right guy.” I pressed my lips to her forehead, and when her body sagged, I pulled her against me and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. After a moment, I leaned back to look down at her. “But tonight will be perfect. Okay?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Just wish I had your optimism sometimes.”

“Relax and be yourself. It’ll be fine.”

After talking to my mom yesterday and then texting with my sisters, I had a feeling they were all just excited that I was bringing someone home. But I wasn’t sure if mentioning that would make Sarah feel better or more nervous, so I kept quiet.

When her shoulders relaxed, relief washed over me. After confirming that she was ready to go, I scooped a still sleeping Nora off the sofa, and we headed out the door.

Almost immediately after placing Nora in the car seat, she let us know exactly how she felt about it. And a few looks over at Sarah once we were on the road told me the fussing was making her feel more stressed. So I turned up the radio and sang along with the country song. Babies liked being sung too, right?

Sarah shook her head, fighting a smile.

I reached over and nudged her thigh. “Come on, Mama. You know this one.”

She chuckled but joined in, softly singing along with me.Finally, a few songs later, Nora had stopped crying and was babbling away instead, and the tension radiating off Sarah had dissipated for the most part.