“What do you mean, she’sgone, Divina?” I repeat through my teeth, enunciating every word.
She doesn’t falter, though. Turning her head away to look out at the ocean, I watch her blink rapidly to clear the tears forming in her eyes. When it’s clear she won’t be clarifying, I turn my horrified gaze to the others.
Raze maintains his stoney stature, but the other two appear to be having a mental debate over which one is going to deal with me.
James must draw the short stick. “Penelope Ellery was found deceased in Eugene, Oregon three days ago.” He delivers the news with zero emotion. A sentence as cold and heartless as he is.
But my entire chest seems to implode. I frown into the sand, trying to make sense of the information they just gave me. Shock has my lips twisted together, unable to form a response.
In Oregon?
Three days ago…
“Do you even understand the danger you put her in?” Divina spits bitterly, interrupting my thought process. When I lift my glare back to hers, I see nothing but hatred shining through her eyes. I canfeelthe loathing and devastation that’s taken over her entire being.
“This is not what we came here to speak about,” Ashton interrupts. Shifting his weight to face her, he points a disciplinary finger in her face. “We warned you… your family drama can wait.”
She cowers, revealing a detail that I missed before. These two men are superiors to her in some way.
Instead of arguing with my aunt—an effort that I would find more success in if I were speaking to a wall—I compartmentalize my thoughts and respond to the strange man instead.
I can process this news later, where it’s safe.
Still, the grief holds on, silently clawing into my chest and ripping my heart into shreds as I find a way to speak through the pain.
“Whyareyou here? How did you even find me?”
James smirks. “Raze is very good at his job.”
I don’t like the predatory expression that creeps onto the other man’s face at those words, or how Raze refuses to meet my eyes after he says them. How can he stand there, acting as if the past couple of months never happened?
How could he have even taken an interest in me after what he did to my parents?
Could he have known that I was related to them? That he made a mistake in not taking my life, too?
And how the fuck is Poppy dead?
The gravity of the situation dawns on me like a lead weight barreling into my stomach. They wouldn’t admit to any of this if they were going to let me walk away. Not when having this information get out would destroy the false image they’ve created.
No, they have no intention of letting me set foot out of these woods. Not alive, anyway.
Hopelessness overcomes me, nestling beside the devastating grief like an old friend.
I won’t be able to manipulate my way out of anything at this point.
“We’ve been watching you for quite some time, Sonny. We knew something was off. Raze suspected you weren’t who yousay, but there was no proof against you. Until you visited home on Thanksgiving, then ran to that old hag, Matilda,” Divina explains through a hollow voice, as if she’s rehearsed this.
My ears perk up at the mention of Matilda’s name. “You better not hurt her . . . ”
“She’ll get what’s coming to her, just as you will,” Ashton promises, stepping toward me.
“You can either follow us on your own, or I’ll have Raze drag you back to Ravenshurst myself. Either way, you need to come with us,” James offers in a deceitfully calm voice. His features appear friendly and cordial. As if he’s talking about the weather, and not my eventual demise.
My eyes flick to Raze, who only dips his chin in confirmation.
He would follow the order if it were given.