Page 55 of Calling Quarters

Chapter 31


Blaire Granger was a strange girl.

She was awkward and unusual, and most people avoided conversations with her because of the odd things that came out of her mouth. Plus, she was a Granger—one of the only families in the coven that proved to be untrustworthy. For some reason, Storie had taken a liking to her immediately.

That was the only reason I allowed her through my front door and into my home. They were both reeking of the woods, their bodies covered in sweat, leaves, and random scratches. Blair wore a look of pure excitement, practically bouncing on her feet as we walked through the foyer while Storie appeared despondent. She chewed on her bottom lip in a way that made me want to grab her up and steal it away.

“We’ve got a plan, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

“That’s no way to get him on board,” Blaire chastised. Her hand swatted at Storie’s arm. “It’s actually pretty amazing.”

“What is it?”

“Well, as you know, no one’s happy about Samhain being canceled. They’re blaming the Quarters for everything, and they’re getting pretty aggressive out there,” Storie began. Blaire’s head bobbed in agreement. “Recently, we’ve heard some concerning things and I thought it might be helpful if you guys laid low for a minute. At least, until the holiday passes.”

“Lay low?” I asked, frowning. “You mean, like we’ve already been doing?”

“No, lower,” Blaire said, holding up a very faded map of Lux and Enzo's properties.

“I'm not following.”

“My family owns a cabin on the border of these properties. It could use some work, but it should serve as a safe space for you guys to hide out while we figure everything out.”

Of course, figuring everything out meant reading through the ancient book of shadows that we stole from Blaire's home to find more answers about why we were losing our magic and how we could stop the dark magic from eating up the entire town.

“I think you're overreacting. We're safe in our homes. There's protections lifted all around the property,” I started to say, but Blaire's dramatic scoff stopped me from continuing.

“You Quarters are so hard-headed. Do you think a Granger would be standing in your home right now, offering you safety, if things weren't bad?” She shook her head and looked over at Storie, her brow lifted incredulously. “You guys have managed to screw yourselves so royally, Rayner and the Movement don't even have to lift a finger anymore. Watchtower is crumbling, Beacon Grove is being swallowed by dark magic, and the only people we thought would save us have been holed up in their mansions, refusing to face us.”

“You don't understand the politics of it all. Our fathers were supposed to–”

“Oh, please. We all know how greedy and self-serving your fathers are. Butyou'rethe Quarters of Watchtower, not them. Stop hiding behind daddy and start acting like the powerful men we know you can be.” Blaire shifted to cross her arms over her chest, her chin stubbornly jutted out.

Since my father called me home from the woods, none of us had left our homes. We were stuck relying on them to relay information from coven and town meetings. According to them, the general consensus was that no one was happy with us. Of course, our fathers were there to swoop in and save the day, constantly assuring the town that they had us under control. They conveniently left out that they were just as powerless as we were and the darkness was affecting them, too.

We didn't care, though. Now that we finally had our hands on the Quarter Book of Shadows, all of our energy was being poured into finding any piece of information that might be useful in finding their Counters and helping them retain their gifts. We couldn't do anything for the coven if we weren't even capable of protecting ourselves, and whoever was feeding the dark magic appeared to be targeting our powers specifically.

The problem was that the entire book was written in code and every piece of information regarding the spirit element had a redaction spell cast on it.

“Blaire, that was kind of harsh,” Storie softly interjected. I had forgotten she was still standing there.

“Am I wrong, though? This is only a taste of what's to come if the four of you keep your heads stuck up your asses.” Storie's eyes widened at her friend's crassness, but I wasn't surprised. She was a Granger, after all. “This has to end at some point. Are you going to step in and do your job, or are you going to prove Rayner right and show us how much we really don't need you?”

“It's more complicated than that. Without our Counters, we're essentially useless,” I said through gritted teeth.

She was infuriating and overly audacious, just like her grandmother. I didn't think I owed an explanation to anyone in Watchtower after the way they've treated us, let alone one of its lowliest members.

“You've found your Counter; that's enough for now. We don't have time for your excuses anymore. Gather the others and get them out to this cabin.”

She held up the faded map again, pointing to the circle she had drawn just between property lines.

I exhaled through my nose and looked to Storie for backup, but she shrugged her shoulders and stepped closer to Blaire, showing that she was taking her side in the argument. “You haven't heard what they've been saying about you. I think this is the safest option until we figure out how to get through this.”

“Look, I hate that we're being forced together just as much as you do,” Blaire started. She cut her eyes toward Storie, reminding me she was the only reason we were standing in the same room right now. “But even the most diehard Quarter supporters are switching sides. They feel like they have no other choice. This is bigger than both of us.”

Blaire tapped her foot impatiently as I digested her words. I kept my eyes trained on the violet-eyed woman who looked terrified to be stuck between the two of us. I would never trust a Granger, but I trusted Storie with my life. If she was willing to back up what Blaire was saying, then it must be true. Things have gotten too dangerous for us, and the time has come for us to fight.