Page 50 of Calling Quarters

I smiled at that, remembering how much Aunt Ash loved the city as well. No matter where we went, especially at the end, she made sure there was a major city nearby for her to visit.

“I love the energy of it all. Everyone’s too focused on their own lives to care what anyone else is doing. It’s the perfect place to hide,”she’d said once when I questioned her about it.

I always thought it was peculiar that she spent her life wanting to hide when all I wanted was to be seen. Now, I knew why she felt that way. Beacon Grove felt like an impossible place to hide. Even if no one was looking at you, it always felt like eyes were watching.

“Sounds like a plan.”

Chapter 28


The Movement was gaining momentum against us by the day. Our coven and town were feeling the effects of the black magic that was being cast around them, and they needed a safe place to turn. Unfortunately, we weren't able to provide them with the same security they were used to having, which made them lose trust in our abilities. They had no choice but to side with the man who was promising them the world and making it impossible for them to resist.

Our fathers were essentially useless. While our gifts were fading away, theirs weren't growing any stronger the way they'd anticipated. Of course, thanks to Storie, I knew it was because they were instead flowing into our Counters to protect them from being abused. But no one else was privy to that knowledge yet. As hard as it was to watch my brothers practically fade away before my eyes, I knew they weren't ready to hear the truth yet. It wasn't worth losing Storie and our only shot at coming out of this alive.

She said Tabitha Granger had loads of history books stored away inside her home. I found that puzzling, considering she was suspected of hiding our Counters from us at birth and forced out of her position. What reason would she have to possess books specifically about Quarters and Counters? With the knowledge she had, it could be argued that in her attempts to keep us from killing our Counters, she actually saved our lives.

So, what was her role in all of this?

Storie seemed to trust her, so I decided to let it go for now. But eventually, I would come for those books. Though Storie wasn't able to confirm, I suspected she could also be in possession of the Quarter Book of Shadows.

“It doesn't make sense,” Rhyse grumbled from his familiar fallen log. We were back at our spot in the woods, soundproofing protection spells in place.

This time, I had to lift them myself since the others were too exhausted from the hike in. Enzo and Lux rested on the forest floor at my feet. “Why are we so weak, yet you feel nothing?”

They were growing suspicious of me, as they should. If I hadn't found Storie right before Hell broke loose on the town, I'd be lying in the fallen leaves right beside them.

“I have no idea.” The lie was getting harder to maintain, and my lack of explanation only caused more suspicion from them. “I'm grateful that at least one of us has the means to support us, though.”

“Of course, you are. Because that one isyou.” Enzo's spite was a living, palpable thing. He was still mad about not being able to lift the protection spell in his own element.

“I hate to say it, but he's right. If one of us is able to hold onto his gift despite the Movement's attempt to weaken us, we should be grateful.” Lux leaned back onto his hands.

“We're going to figure a way out of this,” I assured earnestly. “You guys are my family. I won't let anything happen to you so long as I can still control my gift.”

I meant every word of that. The lies, the deception, it was all going to pay off in the end. It killed me to keep secrets from them, especially one that was so personally significant. I just needed to figure out how to explain it all without them jumping straight to their conditioning and getting them to focus on their instincts instead.

My phone rang, interrupting Enzo's snarky response. Without checking, I silenced the ringer and gave them my full attention again.

“Everyone's starting to turn against us. I went into The Grind the other day and practically had to beg for service. They think we're the ones taking those girls.” Rhyse slumped further into his log.

“I wish we could just end this, man. They don’t give a shit if we’re alive or dead. Why should we go through all this suffering for a bunch of ungrateful–”

“Because, it’s our job,” Lux cut in sternly. “We’ve been given these gifts from the gods. It’s not up to us or anyone else to decide when we’re released from our duties.”

“Yeah, well maybe if the gods want us to use our gifts, they shouldn’t have made it possible to be stolen from us by people who are obsessed with power and greed. We can't even find our own Book of Shadows to effectively do our jobs.”

“There's one person who keeps town records that we haven't looked into yet,” I began, tentatively planting the seed. I might not have been able to come out and admit that I knew she was holding some of our secrets, but I could lead them to the trail.

“Who?” Lux was the first to bite.

“Tabitha Granger.”

Rhyse scoffed. “Come on, man. I thought you were being serious.”

“Yeah, she's already been thoroughly investigated. There's no way she's hiding Quarter information,” Enzo agreed disappointedly.

Lux's hand started scratching his beard. I knew he'd be the easiest one to get on my side.