Page 41 of Calling Quarters

“The library’s closed. You should have had these cleaned up and put away already,” she barked, scowling as her withered eyes scanned the stack of files. When she noted the names on the labels, she squinted at us accusingly. Without another word, she slowly turned her back to us and hobbled down the stairs.

“That was weird,” Enzo voiced the rest of our thoughts aloud.

We made fast work of getting the files reorganized and replacing them to their homes in the large filing cabinets. Esther glared at us over the tall counter she sat behind in contempt when we made it to the bottom of the stairs twenty minutes later, and her beady eyes followed us unblinkingly until we were out the doors.

It wasn’t until we parted ways and Rhyse and Enzo were nearly to their cars when Lux grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

“Why do I have a feeling this is about the Graves girl?”

“I don't know.” There was no use lying to Lux. He had a gift of discerning the truth and insulting him with a lie would only betray his trust.

It seemed our trust in each other was all we could be sure of anymore.

“Remy, we're in the middle of a war. The four of us are all we've got, and if we don't have honesty between us, then we've already lost.” His icy blue eyes considered me for a moment, daring me to lie again.

I wouldn't. But I also couldn't share the full truth.

“She's a huge piece of the puzzle,” I vaguely admitted.

My eyes did a sweep of our surroundings to make sure no one was trying to listen to our conversation. Beacon Grove was becoming one of the worst places to have conversations like this anymore, especially with so many joining the movement against us.

Lux shook his head slowly, taking his time to consider my words. “I trust you. But they won't be so forgiving if she ends up being our downfall and we learn that you allowed it to happen.”

His arm raised in the direction that Rhyse and Enzo left in. Their cars were long gone, but I got the point.

“Nothing I do will ever intentionally put you guys in harm's way. I'm just trying to find a way to end this,” I assured earnestly.

I truly believed Storie was the key to freeing us from whatever was holding us down. We've trodden water for so long, we weren't prepared for the storm when it came and washed us up. I knew the others would struggle with placing their confidence in a complete stranger, especially one that could potentially be a Counter. But that was why I was keeping them out of it.

Police are now searching for the newest victim in the Beacon Grove disappearances. Charlotte Jones, 21, has been reported missing by her family after she didn't return home, following her closing shift at A Cut Above hair salon last night.

“It’s not like her to just not show up after work without telling us first. She knows how much we worry,” Jones’ mother, Caroline, says in an exclusive Beacon interview.

Jones is the fifth young female to disappear into thin air in recent weeks. Locals are now speculating about who might be hunting these women. They believe that anyone between the ages of 21 and 27 is specifically being targeted.

Officer Kyle Abbot claims the Beacon Grove police department has got the situation under control but did warn that anyone who matches the criteria of the five victims, “might want to travel in groups and avoid being alone at night,” until they can gain more information about the kidnappers.

Some are accusing the recently ostracized Quarters of hunting women in a desperate attempt to find their Counters. It's rumored that the Quarter elders have temporarily taken over their son's roles after the failed Mabon celebration. Locals speculate that once the Quarters find and eliminate their Counters, they'll be allowed to resume their positions.

“I wouldn't put it past them. I caught the four of them huddled together over the town's birth records,” says Esther Newberry, Beacon Grove's beloved librarian.

The Jones family is pleading with neighbors to come forward with any information that might lead to finding their youngest daughter. “We just want our little girl back home.”

Chapter 24


There was a darkness settling over Beacon Grove. It was thick and unforgiving, bleeding into every aspect of the lives of the people inside. Gray clouds seem to have taken residency over the densely wooded area and the sky behind them was dull and colorless. The rain maintained a steady flow for days straight, only offering short reprieves before starting up again. The ocean had darkened, wide waves slowly rolling into shore with a silent warning.

And everyone seemed to be in a foul, miserable mood.

Even as an outsider, I could feel the effects.

“Another girl is missing. This time, it's the Jones' youngest.” Tabitha folded The Beacon and set it down on the table to take a bite of her oatmeal.

“How many does that make now?” Blaire poured coffee into two glasses and walked them over to the table, sliding one over to me.

Once again, I just missed Callista. Blaire said she was busy at the pharmacy lately, curing more illness than usual for this time of year.