We pick up speed, and Jade wraps a leg around mine as leverage to match me movement for movement. When she comes for a second time, I finally give in to the urge to lose myself. I still my hips, filling the condom with my cum.
We collapse onto the bed, wrapped up in each other. I have my arms around Jade, cuddling her close. She has a leg draped over my thigh and a hand resting on my chest, idly stroking the hair.
More satisfied, more content, than I’ve ever felt in my life, I bury my face into the crook of Jade’s neck. Our chests are still rising up and down in a synchronized rhythm, with our panting breaths keeping the beat.
I press my lips to her sweet neck and whisper, “I love you.”
Her fingers dig into my shoulders and she pulls back to eye me cautiously. “What did you say?”
“I love you, Jade,” I say more clearly. Bracing myself on one elbow, I cradle her cheek in the palm of my other hand. “I love you so much, it takes my breath away.”
“I thought the physical activity we just enjoyed is what took your breath away.”
“You’re funny.” I brush my lips over her brow. “That’s just one of the many things I love about you.”
“You mean it.” She studies me intently, the humor slipping from her face.
“Of course, I mean it. Do you think I’m the kind of guy who walks around telling every woman he gets into bed that he loves them?”
“Don’t answer that.” I take a playful nip at her jaw and she giggles.
We kiss a little more. It’s more playful than seductive, and it’s nice. Comfortable. Easy. After the couple of weeks we’ve had, it’s good to feel nice, comfortable, and easy. Especially in each other’s arms.
“For the record,” she says. “I love you, too.”
My heart is in danger of pounding out of my chest. I’m so happy. All I can do is whisper her name and kiss her again.
After, Jade burrows in closer to me. “New Year’s Resolution: Take a page from the book of Remington and stop worrying so much and enjoy life more.”
“That’s a good one. But I think mine’s better.”
“Oh?” She leans her head back to look up at me with an arched eyebrow. “And what’s that?”
“It’s pretty simple really.” I stroke her cheek with her thumb, savoring the smoothness against my rough callous. “To love you every day, with every piece of my heart.”
Her lips quiver before she presses them together. I can see I’ve once again caught her off guard. I twirl a lock of her hair around my fingers, giving her a chance to process what I’ve said. I love that I get to be here with her like this.
I love that I get to be the one who takes her breath away.
Though, the longer she goes without saying anything, the more an impending sense of dread forms. Maybe I’ve said too much too soon. Scared her a bit.
No. I shake off the doubt. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that you should never regret letting someone know how much they mean to you. Even if it sucks to be this kind of vulnerable.
At last, she takes a breath and reaches up to cup my cheek. “I’m going to have to get used to this.”
My pulse quickens. “Used to what?”
“Used to you constantly surprising me. In more ways than I can ever imagine.”
My lips curve up. “I bet you’ll get used to it in time.”
“I bet I won’t.” She snuggles in closer to me. “I guess we’ll just have to wait fifty years or so to find out.”
Fifty years. I like the sound of that. I like our odds.