Page 24 of Holiday Flame

I release a heavy sigh. “I’m worried.”

“Don’t be. I’ve seen the way that man looks at you, and I’m sure he’ll understand once you tell him everything.” She raises her glass to take a sip. “Heck, he’ll probably be flattered that you chose him.”

“That’s not it. Well, it’s not just that.” I take another shaky breath. “I’m worried about him.”

Her hand and glass freeze mid-air. “Excuse me.”

“Look, I know it’s all part of the job. I know this is what firefighters do. My brother works with him, for crying out loud.” My bottom lip quivers and I capture it with my teeth before I can succumb into a full blubber. “But what if something happens to him?”

Setting her glass down, Mabel pulls me toward a quiet alcove off the side of the ballroom. Once we’re there, she grabs my shoulders and waits for me to meet her gaze.

“What’s really going on here?”

A tear slips down my cheek. “I just… what if something happens to him, and I never got a chance to tell him?”

“Tell him what?”

“That I’m falling for him.” I release a shaky breath. “I’m falling for him, and right now he thinks I look at him as nothing but a piece of meat.”

I only wish I’d realized that sooner. I wish it hadn’t taken the fear of losing him to realize how much he means to me. A sob escapes me.

Mabel’s face crumples in sympathy, and she pulls me into a tight hug. I sob, doing my best to avoid letting any runny eyeliner or mascara fall on her dress. All the while, Mabel murmurs soothing words and pats my back.

When the tears finally stop falling, I release my tight grip on Mabel. She hands me a napkin that she’s found somewhere and helps me mop up the rivers of liner.

She sets aside the dirty napkin. “Look, I know I’m hardly an expert in relationships. My dating record is so bad, I’m about to swear off dating altogether. But here’s what I know.”

She pats my shoulder comfortingly. “Anything can happen at any time. Remington could be hurt in a fire. You could be crossing the street and get run over by a reindeer.”

I give a short laugh at that. “Nice.”

She lifts a shoulder. She always did have a salty sense of humor.

“The point is, bad things happen all the time. That’s why it’s important to tell the people you love that you care about them every time you get the chance. You don’t have to have the perfect words. You just have to say it.”

What she says makes sense. I nod and take a deep, cleansing breath. “You’re right. I can’t let fear hold me back.”

“Good.” She squeezes my arm and releases me. “Besides, I think you’re going to get the chance to tell him sooner than later.”

I sniffle. “Really?”

Mabel nods and gestures over my shoulder. “Take a look, Cinderella. I think Prince Charming finally arrived at the ball.”

Without caring if I’ve recovered my makeup well enough, I turn to follow Mabel’s nod. Across the ballroom, Remington walks in through the main entrance. His hair is damp, which means he probably had to grab a quick shower at the station before coming here. He’s wearing the same suit as before, and he tugs at the tie, as if it’s just a little too tight.

He’s glancing around the room but when his gaze finally lands on me, his lips curve up into that devastating smile of his.

When I see that smile aimed right at me, I take Mabel’s advice. I don’t overthink. I live in the moment.

Without waiting another moment, I race across the ballroom and throw myself at Remington. He lets out a small grunt even as his arms come around me. As they do, it’s like coming home all over again.

Only this time, there isn’t any doubt about whether or not I’ve made the right choice.

I tighten my hold and start to shiver. It’s as if all the panic, all the fear, from the past few hours has finally eased up now that it’s all finally over.

“Hey,” he croons gently in my ear. “It’s okay, baby. It’s all okay.”

“I know.” I swallow hard, fighting the tears that want to fall. “But I was… so scared.”