Though, it’s also possible there was no mystery meat needing to be defrosted. I wouldn’t put it past her to send us out there just to make nice. That Emerson is a smart woman.
“Everything okay?” Jade asks worriedly as I slide into my seat.
“Everything is great.” I pick up my fork and spear a piece of sausage. “Before I forget, what are you doing New Year’s Eve?”
“This New Year’s Eve?”
“Preferably, yeah.” I take my time chewing my sausage. “Because, if you’re interested, the mayor is throwing a big party at the historic hotel downtown.”
“I’ve heard about it. A couple of my girlfriends are going.”
“Well, the mayor always offers the smokejumpers a few tickets. Want to go?”
A bright grin spreads slowly across her face. “I’d love to.”
“Great. Then it’s a date.”
A date that will end with me kissing her at midnight.
Tugging the tie around my neck, I lift my hand to knock on the door to the room Jade booked for the night at the hotel. Whenshe first told me about her plan to get a room for New Year’s Eve, I told her it wasn’t necessary.
While our relationship may have gotten more physical, we still haven’t gone all the way. I don’t want her thinking I have any expectations of that just because we’re going to a fancy party.
But, she insisted that it would be more convenient. And when my woman puts her foot down about wanting to do something, well, far be it for me to tell her to forget it.
My fist is an inch from the door when I hear voices approaching.
Glancing over my shoulder, I look to see where they’re coming from when I recognize one of them as Jade’s and the other as Mabel’s. Jade mentioned that she and her best friend might primp together before the party. It looks like I arrived just a little ahead of schedule.
Grinning at my woman’s voice, I lower my hand and lean my back against the wall opposite the door, waiting for her to arrive.
“I don’t know what you’re so worried about,” Mabel says. “Clearly Remington is crazy about you.”
“I know, but… he doesn't know.”
“Doesn’t know…”
“He doesn’t know I’m a virgin.”
My jaw falls open in surprise, but I quickly clamp it shut. Okay. So Jade has never been with a man before. That’s… great. I squash the instant flame of possessiveness that flickers inside of me. It shouldn’t matter—it doesn’t matter—how many men she has or hasn’t been with.
But, now that I know, I’ll make damn certain to go at whatever pace she sets.
“Trust me,” Mabel says. “Most men don’t care.”
“Well, he might. Especially when he finds out all of this was about losing my virginity.”
It’s another shock to my system. Only, this one isn’t from surprise. It’s something else. Something that feels like it’s reached into my chest to squeeze my heart until it’s no longer beating.
Does that mean… is this only about sex to Jade?
Before I can consider any possible answer, the door to the room flies open. Both women freeze when they see me.
Both of their faces fall. They know. They know I’ve heard. God damn, I wish I hadn’t heard.
“Remington, I?—”
I shake my head. “It’s okay.”