Page 4 of Plus-Size Mate

“Again, we good witches don't like to mess with free will.”

“What if the person trying to do this sort of thing was willing to give that up?”

The witch straightened up, her expression deepening with curiosity.

“I'm afraid there's nothing for it but the good old-fashioned fix,” she said nonchalantly.

Eddie gritted his teeth. “And that is?”

“To get over someone entirely, it's usually a case of finding someone else.”

Bile rose in the back of Eddie's throat. How was that even possible? He hadn't been interested in anyone, not since Carly. It was next to impossible even to consider replacing her.

She was a liar and a floozy, throwing herself at practically every werewolf she laid eyes on, but still, he couldn't quite remove the hooks she had placed in him.

To think, I blamed Hanson for turning her head,Eddie thought bitterly. The man had done nothing but be nice to the woman, and she had taken to that kindness like a duck to water.

In fact, any man who showed the least bit of attention to that woman was fair game to her. He saw that now.

And yet, there was still something about her that just wouldn't let Eddie go. He pined for her, even now, and it was driving him to madness.

“The options for a werewolf in this town are pretty limited,” Eddie pointed out, exhaling deeply. “Many of the she-wolves are already mated.”

At that, the witch started to smile, her lips twitching upwards in a way that frustrated Eddie immensely.

“Then perhaps your friend ought to look elsewhere.”

Eddie scoffed. That was much easier said than done. Between pack duties, work and trying to stay away from Carly, his diary was pretty booked up. Besides, it wasn't as simple as going on some dating app to find a mate. There were rules. If he tried to bring someone new into town, Jack would have something to say about it.

“Thanks for the advice,” Eddie said, a little begrudgingly. “What did you say your name was?”

The witch cocked her head. “I didn't.”

Eddie's jaw clenched. Was she trying to be mysterious, or just plain annoying?

With a shrug, Eddie turned. What did it matter to him what her name was, anyway? She was just another witch, another ally in town who lived there on the good judgment of the pack alpha. It wasn't like he needed to get to know her just because they lived in the same town.

Crossing the room, he was almost at the door when she called after him, “My name is Winter.”

At that, Eddie felt the oddest shiver run down his spine. It wasn't entirely cold. In fact, it tingled with a mix of fire and ice that set every nerve in his body alight.


Placing his hand on the doorknob, he turned back and said, “Nice to meet you, Winter. I'm Eddie.”

“I know,” she responded simply, and something about it set Eddie's teeth on edge once more.

To be known but not know was something that had always put Eddie a little out of sorts.

“So you're one of those psychic witches my mother was always warning me about when I was a pup?” Eddie said, only half joking.

The laughter that left Winter's lips was musical to Eddie's ears, and it caused a fluttering in his stomach, the likes of which he hadn't felt in such a long time.

What is the matter with me?he wondered.

“I don't need to be psychic to know who you are, Eddie,” she said, pulling the letter from the envelope as if she knewtheir conversation was nearly at an end. “Jack Blackwell and his packmates are heroes around here. You amongst them.”

At that, Eddie felt his cheeks reddening. Was that how she saw him? A hero?